How To Thread A Singer Sewing Machine?

If you’re a seamstress or someone who sews on occasion, it’s time to brush up on your knowledge of sewing machines. But before you can do that, you’ll need to know how to thread a Singer sewing machine.

Threading a Singer sewing machine is a complicated process, but it’s also important. It’s the only way you can start sewing with your machine. The most important thing you need to know about sewing machine threading is how the thread works.

If you have any model of Singer Sewing Machine and want to know how to thread your sewing machine then this tutorial is here to help! It doesn’t matter if it’s an older model or a newer one: as long as it’s a Singer, these steps will work for either.

Follow these detailed instructions about how to thread the machine with no problem at all! All you need is some patience and determination.

How to thread a Singer sewing machine?

It is important to raise both the needle and presser foot of a Singer sewing machine before threading it with thread. When the top of the machine has been threaded, then the bottom should be done. This needs to be done by winding the bobbin, placing the spool on the spool pin, and then ensuring that the thread is wound around the first guide.

In order for your thread to be fitted correctly the thread end should be inserted under and over the second thread guide. After that, the thread must be passed through the threading canal of the machine, as well as through the tension mechanism. Thread the needle through the guide above the machine’s needle and pull down the thread from the other end of the threading canal. Finally, a needle needs to be threaded from the front to the back of the machine, and then the bobbin should be loaded.

How to wind a bobbin on a Singer sewing machine?

To wind a bobbin on a Singer sewing machine may be difficult for beginners but there are steps you need to follow to complete the process easily.

How to wind a bobbin in a Singer Sewing Machine?

Raising Machine Needle and Presser Foot

Raise the needle and press the foot so that the front is facing upwards. If your machine has a lever, use it, otherwise, it may be necessary to manually raise the presser foot using a screwdriver or something similar. To raise the needle and presser foot you need to do:

  • Turn off your machine

You should turn off the sewing machine before starting the threading process because you will be working with different moving parts of the machine. This is why the machine should be turned off before threading begins. If you accidentally press the foot, you are at risk of receiving an electric shock or sustaining serious injuries.

  • Use the Handwheel to Raise the Needle

If your machine has a handwheel that can be manually turned to move the needle, use it and turn it clockwise until it is halfway up. If your machine doesn’t have a handwheel, and you have to manually raise the needle by turning the tension dial or turning the dial inside the hole on top of the presser foot, do so until you have raised it slightly.

NOTE: The needle may need to be raised even further if there is a lot of thread sticking out of its slot or if a lot of fabric show that need to be removed before starting another seam. Take care not to over-tighten the needle as this could damage your machine.

  • Use the Lever to move Presser Foot

If your machine has a lever to raise or lower the presser foot, use it to move it down. If your machine doesn’t have an automatic lever, then you need to manually move the presser foot down by turning its screw clockwise until it is fully lowered.

Thread the Top of A Singer Sewing Machine

  • Wind Bobbin

Wind the spool of thread on the bobbin until you see about 20 cm (1 foot) of thread sticking out from its hole. If your machine has a top loading bobbin, use your finger to push the thread from its bobbin onto the spool pin.

Most Singer machines have a clear plastic piece that is used to feed the thread through. Others may have a cone-shaped piece that can be removed by pressing in on tabs located on both sides of it. It is necessary to avoid using these extra pieces because they could cause problems when sewing later on.

  • Putting the thread spool in the pin of your machine

Place the thread spool onto the pin after you have all the way through it to its hole.If there isn’t enough space for your spool, then pull it back a little bit so that it can fit on the pin and lower down slightly into place.

  • Wrapping the Thread Around the First Guide

Firstly, the sewing machine needle guide is situated a couple of inches above the stitching machine needle apparatus on the top of the machine. Draw the whole thread over the top of the machine towards the first thread guide while holding the thread at the bottom of the spool. It is important to insert the thread through the channel under the thread guide and to wrap the end of the thread over the guide.

  • On the Second Guide, insert the end of the thread

Insert the end of the thread and pass it through the second guide, which is located on the left side of your machine.

Lastly, after passing through the thread guide, you need to pull down your thread from its second guide.

Pulling down your thread is necessary because if it’s left hanging freely in your machine you risk dragging it through your fabric while sewing and creating a tangled mess that will be difficult to fix. If this happens you need to start over and thread a Singer sewing machine from scratch.

  • The thread should be passed through the canal and tensioned

After threading the first guide and turning the thread over onto itself, you need to pass it through the canal and then take it up to tension.

You must make sure that you pull back the thread at the bottom of the machine before passing through the canal so that your thread passes straight from the top into your other fabric without getting tangled. This means that you should pass your needle through both fabric edges without hitting a fold.

  • Pulling the thread

After you have threaded the machine, you have to pull the thread back up towards the top. You must make sure that you pull it back gently so that it is attached straight to your fabric and doesn’t get tangled. At the top of the threading canal, there is a “take-up lever” that allows you to pull the thread.

  • Pull the thread to the bottom

Pull the thread all the way down until it reaches the bottom of your machine. If you have a top loading machine and need to pull it back down, then you must remove the plastic piece located underneath it, or if that isn’t possible, then you can use a screwdriver to gently push on the tab near the bottom of the channel so that it eases out of place.

If your needle does not appear in the front of your machine after pulling out to full length, then you may accidentally reverse your sewing by placing this fabric on top of your fabric. To avoid this occurrence or to see if this has happened accidentally, wait for a few seconds as your needle appears from its hole before pulling back up.

  • From front to back, thread the needle

The thread should be pulled towards the needle’s eye and inserted through it. Pull out the end of the thread at the other side of the needle by about 15 cm (6 inches). Once you have gotten to the bottom of your machine, you need to remove the thread spool and start from the front of your machine, and re-thread it from front to back. This means that you need to pull back the thread until it is all the way to the end before laying it straight down on top of your fabric.

The best way to do this is to flick your wrist so that it lays over top of your fabric without getting tangled. Another method is to use something like a stick or pencil so that you can lay it straight onto your fabric. You must also hold onto any loose ends as you pass over them because if they get away from you, then they will be difficult to sew with.

How to thread a needle in a Singer Sewing Machine?

Note: If your Singer sewing machine has automatic features like Automatic Needle Threader and Automatic Thread Cutter then you do not need to follow that manual process to thread the needle.

How to load a bobbin on a Singer Sewing machine?

The following steps are involved in loading a bobbin on a Singer Sewing machine:

Raise the Needle to its Highest Point 

Before you start loading your bobbin, try to raise your needle to its highest point by rotating the hand wheel towards a clockwise direction. Make sure that your hand wheel is turned to the right position before loading your bobbin so that you don’t get into any troubles while sewing.

If the needle is already set on the high point then skip this step and move to the next.

Open Bobbin Case

Under the needle of your machine is the bobbin case. If the case has a tab or button, you will find it there according to the machine model. Press or lift up the case according to the option.

Pull Thread Through Slot

To allow the bobbin thread to connect with the top thread, the thread needs to extend through the slot at least six inches. It will be difficult to stitch if there aren’t enough threads available. Insert your needle through the slit or slot (on your machine) and then pull out the thread.

Close your Bobbin Case

You will now have to close your bobbin case by lifting it up and pinching the thread with the bobbin case. Once you are sure that your thread is secured inside your case, then you can close it.

Turn the Hand Crank to Catch the Thread

Once you have confirmed that your bobbin is ready to be stitched, you need to pull it out and turn the hand crank in a clockwise manner to catch your bobbin thread. You will know that your bobbin thread has been caught by the following sign:

Check if there are any loose threads on top of your sewing machine. If there are any, then tie them together and cut off their extra part with a pair of scissors.

How to insert the bobbin on a Singer sewing machine?

After loading and threading the bobbin it’s time to insert the bobbin into Singer Sewing Machines. There are two types of bobbin that come with a Singer Sewing machine. One is top load and the second type is front load. Mechanical Singer Sewing machines come with front load bobbins. The loading and threading process of both types is the same but both inserting methods can be different.

How to insert a bobbin in a Singer Sewing Machine?

How to insert Top Load Bobbin on Singer Sewing machines?

  • Top load bobbins are easy to insert, if you have a top load bobbin in your Singer Sewing machine then for installing it you need to press the button near the bobbin cover to open it. 
  • Drop your bobbin into the bobbin case and then remove the cover. The bobbin would spin counterclockwise if you pull the thread. Many models of Singer sewing machines have directions to make the installation easy. You can check the base of your machine for reference.
  •  After putting the bobbin you need to pull the thread from the first slit of the bobbin case.
  • Continue to pull it across the second slit in a U-shape 
  • Replace the bobbin case cover after pulling behind the presser foot. Place the left tab under the presser foot base.  Press in the right tab to secure the presser foot.
  • Top load bobbins are a quicker, easier way to wind your thread. Thread is loaded from the top of the bobbin instead of the bottom (hence “top” load). By changing to a top-loading bobbin you can develop an ability to quickly and more easily change threads while keeping your hands free for other tasks.

How to insert Front Load Bobbin on Singer Sewing machine?

  • Front-load bobbins are quite tricky to handle. If you are a beginner then inserting these bobbins into a Singer Sewing Machine is a bit difficult for you. Because if front load bobbins are not properly inserted into the machine it may affect the quality of your stitches.
  • You can access front-load bobbins by removing the small compartment on the machine and opening the hinged cover or removing the needle plate from your sewing machine
  • On the front of the bobbin case, you will find a small tab.  Pull this tab towards you to open it.  Slide out the bobbin case  Place an empty bobbin in your machine and drop it
  • Insert thread from the first slot on top of the bobbin case. Close top cover. Secure thread by placing the flat head on the back of the bobbin case and then turning clockwise to secure.
  • Front loading bobbins have a flat area at the rear that catches the thread which makes it easier to stitch multiple layers at a time, as well as allowing you to achieve automatic stops while sewing. After inserting the bobbin check it with your finger if it is rotating then it is not properly installed, you need to insert it again.
  • Front-load bobbins can help you to achieve high-quality stitching and increase your productivity.

How to adjust thread tension on a Singer sewing machine?

Thread tension is one of the most important aspects of sewing. It helps to run your thread smoothly through your machine and make a seam that is neat, straight, and durable.

High-quality materials will not only help you to improve your garment’s appearance but also increase your sewing efficiency and create a strong, neat seam. In order to achieve this type of result, you must make sure that the thread tension on Singer sewing machines is correctly adjusted.

In order to achieve the best results when using your Singer sewing machine, adjust in such a way that it produces an even amount of resistance from the top to bottom as the needle sews forward and in reverse.

Singer machines have an adjustable dial for the thread tension knob. It is located on the upper part of your machine.

Many Singer sewing machines have an automatic tension control that eliminates the need to manually adjust it each time you start a new project. However, if you encounter problems with thread tensions, you can follow the steps below:

  • Shut down your machine and unplug it from the power source.
  • Open up the arm cover by turning it in a counter-clockwise direction
  • Check out your presser bar and needle plate. The needle bar will have a small screw located at the bottom. Once you set these up, there is no chance for them to become loose. If one does, remove it and replace it with a new one that has a less fine thread. This will make your machine more stable. 
  • Set your bobbin tension knob on zero to center until you reach the point where you want it to stop. Then turn it slowly until you hit a small resistance. If you adjust your knob too much and can’t sew, then adjust the bobbin tension again. With the thread around your finger, insert it into the tension dial until you feel a slight resistance. You should not be able to move the needle at all with your free hand. 
  • Tie any loose ends of the thread. When turning the hand wheel, try to see if it is snagging on something. Adjust if needed. You should not be able to move the needle with your free hand while holding it against your finger and turning the wheel.

How to Use the Singer Automatic Needle Threader?

This machine comes with an automatic needle threader built-in in the machine. I think this is a great feature because it means no need for an accessory that you might not use or don’t want to use. The automatic needle threader is easy to thread, but if you have a lighter touch, it can be a bit tricky!

To thread the Singer Automatic Needle Threader, you will follow the same instructions,

  1. Raise the needle to its highest position. Your needle should be fully up and out of the way.
  2. Move your thread spool to the right side of your machine. Feed 2-3 inches of thread onto the metal arm of the automatic needle threader that is closest to you. It’s helpful to add some tension on your thread so it helps feed into the automatic needle threader as you guide it through with your hand.
  3. Move your thread spool to the left side of your machine. Thread the needle through the eye of your needle by following the path of your thread towards you. The automatic needle threader should grab onto the thread and will pull it through as you hold onto both ends of the thread. Once you have a loop on either side of your machine, make sure to keep holding onto both sides of the thread so they don’t get pulled out by their own weight.
  4. You’re almost done. if your thread gets stuck halfway through, gently tug with your finger at the same point where it is stuck until it comes free.

FAQ about Threading A Singer Sewing Machine

What is the best thread for a Singer sewing machine?

If you want to get the best results in your sewing projects, then you need to make sure that you use premium quality Singer sewing machine thread. It is a cost-effective solution for your sewing needs. Singer sewing machine thread can be used on any kind of fabric including denim, chiffon, silk, and cotton among others.
If you are using a Singer machine, then you must use heavy-duty thread throughout your project so that it doesn’t break off and create problems in your stitching. There are so many brands of thread in the market but I personally like Aurifil Thread and Gutermann Thread for my Singer Sewing machines because they give me a wide range of colors to select from for my project.

What to do if the thread breaks during sewing?

Always remember to check the thread tension before you start the stitching. Singer Threads come in different sizes, so always choose a size that is best suited for your project. If you have a broken thread on your sewing machine and can’t fix it, then you can remove it by following some simple steps like taking off the needle plate from your machine. Make sure there are no loose parts of the broken thread inside or around the needle plate. Remove any parts of it from under the presser foot and bobbin case. Rub the spring under the presser foot until it is loose. It will come off easily. Put the spring back on your machine and attach the needle plate again.

What will happen if threading is incorrect?

While threading a machine, the most common problem is too much tension is used. adjust your machine tension and sew it again. if threading is incorrect you may face difficulty in sewing stitches and moving the fabric.

What causes my bobbin to not thread?

If your sewing machine is taking too long to thread and you do not want to wait, then check the bobbin tension. If the tension is set incorrectly, your machine will not be able to properly thread the bobbin. If this is the case, then you will need to adjust it. There could be a tangle on the upper thread. Disconnect the upper thread altogether from the machine. Depending on the size of the thread spool, the right size spool cap should be used.

Do All Singer Sewing Machines Thread in the Same Style?

All Singer sewing machines follow the same needle threading process. However, you may notice that the needle threader on a traditional Singer is different than some singer machines’ style. The semi-automatic needle threaders or all-the-way automatic needle threaders are the different types you might see. 

Final Thoughts

Singer Sewing Machines are one of the most popular sewing machine brands across the globe. These machines have been a household name in almost every area of sewing, whether it is clothing, bedding, or quilting. The advantage of using these machines is that they do not require much maintenance and are very easy to use. In addition to this, the process of attaching and detaching the presser feet is also very simple due to their design. So in order to get the best results from your Singer sewing machine, you will need to learn how to thread it correctly and how to maintain it correctly as well.

Although it is not difficult to use a Singer sewing machine, Singer has some of the most efficient and affordable machines which can endure wear and tear for many years. If you want to maintain your Singer machine as well as produce high-quality results in every stitching then you should regularly change the needle, bobbin, and presser bar.


  1. Quora – How do you thread an old Singer sewing machine?
  2. Wikihow – How to Thread a Singer Simple 3116
  3. Reddit – Anyone got a link on how to thread this Singer 2639? I tried reading the manual but am struggling.
  4. Quora – How do I thread a Singer sewing machine model 6233?
  5. Wikihow – How to Thread a Singer Sewing Machine

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