How To Thread A Sewing Machine?

The sewing machine is a wonderful piece of technology and is used in many different areas from fashion to crafting, but no matter what the use, they all have one thing in common- threading a sewing machine. Threading a sewing machine can seem daunting at first, but it’s not as hard as you think.

The sewing machine refers to a device that uses needles and thread to join pieces of fabric by making holes. The needle threads through the perpendicular loop at the front of the machine and the other loops pull together through its back so that two layers of cloth are sewn together.

It’s easy to get confused when threading a sewing machine because there are many different types available with varying features. Below I will cover the most common types of sewing machines and what you can expect to find in each one.

What is a Sewing Machine?

Although it is commonly referred to as a “sewing machine”, it is more properly called a “sewing device”. The sewing machine was invented in 1846 by Elias Howe who got the idea while he was working on his machine gun. His invention soon became popular and has since been used in many different areas such as fashion, crafts, and art.

A sewing machine can be made out of metal, plastic, or wood. Some models use both batteries and electricity (electric).

To create a stitch, the needle passes through the fabric and then back into the device. The thread passes through small grooves inside the device, which are positioned right next to each other. It is this twisting of the thread that allows it to pass through both layers of fabric.

Depending on what you are sewing, you may need a different type of stitch for each project. Different stitches can be used for both clothing and craft projects including seams, hems, and gathering respectively. 

Is it Easy to Thread a Sewing Machine?

It usually depends on the type of machine that you are using. Some are pretty easy and some are not. The longer you can go without threading your needle, the better for you.

Threading a sewing machine is not that difficult if you know what you are doing, but can cause problems if it is done incorrectly. You don’t want to damage your sewing machine while trying to thread it, so make sure that if you need help with this, someone shows you how properly.

How to Thread a Sewing Machine?

A sewing machine can be threaded in a variety of ways. Depending on which type of stitch you plan on using, you’ll need to thread the machine differently.

Threading a sewing machine consists of following these steps:

  1. Check Needle
  2. Threading Top Spool
  3. Threading Around Tension dial
  4. Above Needle Hook
  5. Thread the Needle
  6. Thread the Bobbin
  7. Make Stitch
  8. Check Thread
  9. Ready to Stitch

Check Needle

Before you begin, check to make sure that the needle is clean, and sharp and doesn’t have any threads wrapped around it or anything stuck in between the eye of the needle and the spool. This can happen when you store your sewing machine in a bag or drawer for a long time. If there is an object trapped inside of your machine, it will cause you a lot of trouble so be sure to check before you start threading your machine to see if this is an issue.

Also, make sure it is turned off and unplugged. Inspect your needle to see if it’s too dull to use or damaged in any way. Also, be sure the right type of needle is used for the type of fabric you are working with. It is possible to have 2 or more needles on one machine so be sure to check both ends before proceeding.

Threading Top Spool

The very first step in threading the machine is to thread the top spool. When you want to sew, you will pull the thread from the top spool, so it is necessary to get that done first. There are instructions on how to thread a bobbin further down in this article, but it’s still a good idea to know how this works on a sewing machine so you can understand more fully and be able to follow them more easily.

There are two types of spools for the top of your machine. They have different holes for different types of machines and are not interchangeable between models or brands.

Some machines have a drop-in spool holder where you just pop the top spool right onto it. This is the easiest method because you don’t have to do anything.

Other machines require you to pull the bar on top of the machine forward and slide the spool on it. This works similarly to a hand drill where there is a notch for the thread to fit in.

Threading Around Tension Dial

The tension knob on your sewing machine allows you to control how tightly or loosely it sews. If you are unfamiliar with adjusting the tension dial, you can refer to the instruction manual that came with your machine.

There are typically numbers from 1-10 or 0-10. This number determines how tight or lose the thread is when it comes out of the needle. If it is too tight, you will have a hard time getting the needle up and down. If it is too loose, your cloth will not move together properly to form a stitch because there would be too much give in it.

Above Needle Hook

The above needle hook allows your sewing machine to go up and down without getting caught on anything like a piece of fabric or thread while you are sewing. You will want to thread this first for proper function.

Thread the Needle

Depending on the type of stitch you are using on your sewing machine and how it is threaded, you may need to do additional steps before you can start sewing. Threading a sewing machine needle is a lot like threading a regular needle, but there are differences when it comes to threading around the tension dial.

  1. Thread the Needle – The most common way to thread a sewing machine is by pulling the thread through the big hole where your needle goes into the bobbin. This same hole can be used for the bobbin, so it is possible to do both in one step.
  2. Thread Around the Tension Dial – If you have a sewing machine that has both a bobbin and top spool, you will want to thread your needle first and then move on to threading around the tension dial. This is done by pulling the thread through the grooves around the dial.

Feel free to use any kind of thread in your sewing machine. If you are working with a specialty type of fabric that requires a special type of thread, it would be best to use that brand or kind of thread for your project.

The thread should be strong enough to support itself when it is being pulled through the fabric. Typically, you will want to avoid using a thread that is thicker than what is recommended for your sewing machine. This can cause problems with getting it through the tension dial or around the bobbin. If a thicker thread is being used, be aware of this as it can also potentially damage other parts of your machine. 

Thread the Bobbin

A bobbin is placed in the bobbin winder and then threaded similarly to sewing needles are threaded. The main difference between threading a bobbin vs. a sewing needle is the direction in which you pull the thread.

Pull the thread through the hole in the center of the top of your bobbin. Wind bobbin until it is half full or as much as recommended in the sewing machine.

Make Stitch

You can now sew away on your machine knowing that it is threaded correctly and ready to use! 

Thread Up

Start with a length of thread about 12 inches long, making sure that one end is secured to prevent it from pulling apart during operation. Pass one end through any hole along the plate (the plate needs to have holes for securing threads) and pull through, raising a loop on this side. Pull the thread through until no more exits the hole, ensuring that the loop is on top.

Ready To Stitch

Now you are ready to stitch and can apply power to the machine. Now you can stitch, if the needle bar is adjusted correctly, it will pass through the loop formed by the thread, forming a knot. If it doesn’t move correctly or it catches on something, adjust the needle bar and then try again.

Tips to Thread a Sewing Machine 

There are many tips to keep in mind when you are threading your sewing machine. If you do not follow these rules, then you will run the risk of damaging your machine, which could make it difficult for you to find someone that can help with issues like this.

Choose Right Thread

Always make sure that you are using the right thread for each type of fabric. Use an appropriate thread for fabrics such as denim or jerseys and use a special type of thread when working with fabrics like silk or velvet. Using the wrong type of thread can lead to a lot of problems and might make it so you cannot get your project done fast enough or to your satisfaction. 

There is a specific type of thread for each type of needle and that is a must for anyone that is working with one of these machines. When you are searching for the correct needles, make sure to also look at the type of thread that comes attached to it and make sure that it matches up with your sewing machine. 

Needle Position

When threading your machine, make sure that the needle is always facing the back of the machine. This will ensure that your machine does not get damaged or destroyed. If you are working with a sewing pattern that requires you to install a new needle, then make sure that you start this process before you even thread your machine. Starting with a new needle will help ensure that it is in place properly when it is time to start working on a project. 

Maintain Thread Tension

Always make sure that you are careful when pulling or tightening the thread on your sewing machine. You do not want to pull too hard and snap the thread or snap any part of the sewing machine itself. This will not only break your sewing machine, but it can be very dangerous and expensive to fix.

Make it Correct

If you are not comfortable or confident when threading your machine, then you should get someone to show you how to do this. If done correctly, this is not hard and should be something that anyone can do. However, you want to make sure that you do it correctly so that the machine continues to work properly and so that your project is just how you imagined it in the first place. 

Make it Smooth

One of the most important parts of threading a sewing machine is making sure that the thread goes through each section smoothly. This includes going through the tension discs, the loopers, and the needle itself. The thread should pass through each section so that it will not slip out while you are trying to get your project done. 

Right Amount of Thread

When threading your needle, make sure that you do it as many times as is needed for your sewing machine to move smoothly. This can depend on the model of the sewing machine, but you always want to make sure that you have the right amount of thread, or else you will run into a lot of problems later on. 

Needle Type

There are several types of needles used in a sewing machine. The most common type is called an aluminum needle and it is what comes with most machines. This is the type that you will most likely use, but there are other types as well.

How to Thread a Sewing Machine With Automatic Needle Threader?

Threading the needles on my sewing machine is pretty easy, but sometimes I need to thread a needle that is easier to thread. If you have a computerized sewing machine or sewing machine from some of the best sewing machine brands like Singer, Juki, Janome, Bernina, or Necchi, then you will most likely be able to just use the automatic needle threader.

The process is pretty simple and should take no more than several minutes if done right. Before using your sewing machine, make sure that you have the right type of spool pins. If not, you could damage your sewing machine and cause yourself a lot of trouble.

Place the thread in between the two spools, ensuring that it is tightly secured at both ends. Make sure that you run the thread through each section twice to ensure that it is secure and won’t slip out while you are trying to use it.

Once this step is done, you can place one end of your thread under the needle bar where the needle will go. You can then pull the other end through.

After your thread is secured, you will want to place the spool on the back spool of your sewing machine. This can be a bit tricky if it is not done properly at this point and time. You will want to make sure that you attach it securely or else you risk damaging your sewing machine, which could cause a lot of problems for anyone that is using it.

This is the part that most people find difficult to do and that is where the automatic needle threader comes in. I like using this because it helps me to get it through without any problems at all. This can be a bit difficult for someone that is not used to sewing and that is why I prefer using this sewing machine over any others.

You will want to make sure that you attach the threading tape threads onto your needle, which should already be attached to your sewing machine. If you have never used one of these before, then you will want to find out how many rotations it takes before the thread will move up properly into the needle.

From there, simply place the needle onto your sewing machine and then pull the tape through. Once you have it threaded properly, you will be good to go!

Threading Different Brands Sewing Machines

You can follow the guides below to thread different brands of sewing machines.

How to Thread a Bobbin on a Sewing Machine?

Threading the bobbin is a simple process that most people can complete with no problem. A threader will come in handy, but you can also choose to use a bobbin winder. There are many different types of threaders with different features.

Many different types of threaders can be used on your sewing machines such as a regular spinny kind or one that spins many times and makes it easier for you to thread the bobbin. The choice is yours, as long as you follow the instructions.

There are different ways to thread the bobbin depending on what kind of machine you have. Some will have a dial on it, while others will have a knob that spins and you use to turn it. Another way is by threading the needle and making sure to draw the thread up through a hole in the bobbin case, following one of these steps, or any other method that can be used.

Most threaders with an auto needle threader will take care of all of this for you. These are usually very easy as long as you follow some simple steps. Sometimes this option is faster than using a dial on your sewing machine.

The following steps are for a machine that has a knob on it. 

  1. Turn off the machine and unplug it from its power source.
  2. Place the bobbin inside the needle case, making sure that it is below the needle. 
  3. Turn the knob slowly to draw up the thread on top of the bobbin case until you have a thread at one end and then stop turning, this is called pre-winding.
  4. you will want to wind it up to the same level that is recommended for your sewing machine. Most of these types of machines will have a type of window or holder to show you how much thread you have on there and how much room you have for more.
  5. Insert the bobbin into the case, ensuring that it is on the right side with a small groove on top and lines on one side. This will match up with the slot in your machine.
  6. Place it all back together, making sure that all areas of threading are covered by the correct parts of your machine. 
  7. Turn on your sewing machine and pull the bobbin out of its slot.
  8. Turn the knob so that it will go into the center section of both areas of threading, making sure that you do not go back through either of them.

You should put your machine on a test run and make sure that it works correctly before you start any project. If you change machines or are using someone else’s for the first time, make sure that you know how to use it before you start anything. 

Direction for Threading a Needle on a Sewing Machine

When you are using your sewing machine, you need to make sure that the needle is threaded correctly so that it will be able to sew the material you are using. Here is an easy step-by-step process of how to thread the needle on any type of sewing machine. It can be for a serger or a large sewing machine.

  1. First, pull the end of the thread through the needle and then leave it at that point because you will use this end to attach the bobbin afterward. The bobbin which is used in this step is attached to your foot pedal. This foot pedal can be moved up or down.
  2. Look in the part of your sewing machine where you can see the needle from. Look at this hole and use your end of the thread to go inside. Then, you will use this end as a guide to pull through.
  3. Once your thread is through, stop using your finger and hand so that you can now pull the remaining thread with both hands until it reaches the bobbin and is attached to it. This will give you a good start when you are starting to sew anything.
  4. Next, you will want to hold the parts of your sewing machine that are responsible for the needle moving up and down. This part can be moved in an upward direction when you want your needle to move upward. You do need to make sure that your finger does not get stuck in any way.
  5. If you are planning on making a design with zig-zag stitching, then you will want to make sure that both sides of the fabric are secured so that they do not move out of place. Your sewing machine will take care of the rest and you do not need to worry about using a hand wheel or doing anything else by hand.
  6. When you are ready to sew, you will want to move the foot pedal. This will start the needle to sew whatever material you are using. This can be done by pushing a button on your foot pedal or a bolt in the part of your machine that is responsible for moving it up and down. There will now be a needle pointing upward.

How to Thread a Singer Sewing Machine

When it comes to Singer sewing machine owners, they have often had problems with threading the needle. Threading the needle is one of the most important tasks in having a working sewing machine. You will have to use a few steps along the way in achieving this goal.

First, unplug your sewing machine from its power source and remove your bobbin from its case by following these steps:

  1. Begin by taking off the front plate and setting it aside for later use – you will need to do this for all of the parts taken off of your machine. 
  2. Next, find what type of needle that is used on your sewing machine and bring it out safely so that you can remove it. 
  3. Take the bobbin and place it into your sewing machine. Then you will wind some thread around it several times. Until you have about two inches of tread left before you stop winding it up. This is how you will use to thread the bobbin so that it can be attached at the top where the needle threads through.
  4.  After inserting your bobbin, make sure that it is placed on the small groove on top and to one side of where the needle goes through if you are following these instructions correctly. 
  5. You will need to put everything back together and screw this part in by turning your hand wheel. Then, move your hand wheel up and down until everything works correctly again. Once everything is in the right place and is working, you can now plug your sewing machine back into its power source.

Winding and Loading of Bobbin

The bobbin is part of the sewing machine. The tension in the thread depends on the level of skill that you have. It is important to be careful with it when you are winding it. You should wind it up to the same level that is recommended for your sewing machine, most of these types of machines will have a type of window or holder to show you how much thread you have on there and how much room you have for more. 

You need to make sure that there are lines on either side and a top on one side with a groove underneath so that it matches up with your slot in your machine. You can use one hand while winding or two hands while winding as long as they are not particularly thick fingers, then you are good to go.

You need to make sure that your bobbin case will be able to hold enough for your sewing purposes. If you have a large amount of thread then you also need an extra supply so that you do not run out of thread at any point. This is then not just a point, but it is a possibility. 

Threading the Needle with the Auto Needle Threader

If you have an auto needle threader, which is usually found on all machine types, this will make all the work involved easier; they simply guide your hand in following the instructions for how much back-and-forth motion should be used to get your needle threaded correctly. 

Threading a sewing machine may sound easy, but it is a very important task that people do get wrong. For this reason, you should make sure that you know what your machine requires at least once so that you have the knowledge needed to make your item if you are making something intricate. 

For this reason, you should also remember what the sewing threads will be made from. This is important because it will make your choice of threads simpler so that you do not have to waste time trying to remember which one may or may not be right for your project. 

What if You Thread a Sewing Machine Wrong?

It can be very difficult to get your threading wrong on your machine and it usually is not a problem for most people. However, you can end up with several issues if you do not know how to allow the correct amount of thread to come through and how much tension there is in it. 

If you have too much tension in your threads then they could snap or break very easily. This will mean that you will have to start again and tread it correctly. You also need to make sure that when you are sewing there is enough space between them so that the thread does not tangle or cause other problems while you are carrying out whatever task is needed. 

If you have too little tension then you are not using your threads correctly and there is a chance that they could break or snap. You will also need to remember that if you do not put enough tension in it, then when it does break it is likely to snap back at you because of the lack of resistance being used. This can cause injuries. 

The bobbin and bobbin case should always be kept clean and free from any dust or anything else that may damage the thread. For some people cleaning their machine is a chore, for others, it can be easy. You always need to make sure that your sewing machine is in good condition so that you can use it in good health for many years to come. 

For this reason, it is always important to take good care of it. This means reading up about all the different ways that you can do this, so that you do not end up damaging your machine by, for example, throwing excess thread into the bobbin case and messing everything up. 

This will mean that you have to clean out any extra thread and then re-thread it as if nothing had happened because there is no way of knowing how much damage has been done until you start using your machine again. This can be very frustrating and more than likely cause problems later on. 

When you get a new thread, make sure that the color is compatible with what you are making. Some colors will not work together and this can cause some problems with your sewing machine. You could end up with a thread that cannot be used for the job you need it for. 

How to Thread an Old Singer Sewing Machine?

This is a common question that you will be asked by many people who are looking to purchase a sewing machine but do not quite know how to go about it. If you have never done this before then it can be very easy, so long as you are careful and read the instructions properly. 

If you have been doing this for a while then you must know how to thread one of these machines. Otherwise, disaster could strike and leave your sewing machine in a state where it cannot be used again unless you take all the time necessary to repair it properly.

The bobbin is used in the sewing machine to store the thread and it is used for winding the thread onto this. This can be done manually or by a machine that has been made to do this automatically.

It is important to know how to do this as a backup in case you are not able to wind a bobbin onto the thread because your machine will not be able to operate properly. Think of it as being an essential part of any sewing machine, if you cannot groove the thread then you cannot sew.

You can follow these steps to thread your old singer sewing machine. 

  1. Remove the needle plate. The needle plate is usually secured by a screw or two on the front. The screw is usually a flat head and located somewhere on the edge or side of the plate. 
  2. Find the hole for the thread and where it exits, this will be located behind or underneath. There will also be a bobbin case. Look at how far down it sits as you may need to remove it to access this properly. 
  3. Loosen any screws that hold things in place and make sure they are not in your way while you are threading your sewing machine. The case and needle plate should also be loose so that you can move them around. This will mean that you can lift the bobbin case out of the way if needed. 
  4. Attach the thread to the needle. Make sure that you wind more than you need onto it, as this will allow for any movement or tension problems when sewing. 
  5. Lift the bobbin case to make sure it comes to rest above your hand. If it does not then you may need to adjust your machine so that this is possible for you to do. 
  6. Turn your machine around on its feet and position it so that you can see the needle. The bobbin case will be hanging and should end up below your hand and it will be in the way as you sew. 
  7. Lower the bobbin case down to a position where you can easily see it but also get access to move it if needed. Threading a machine is easier with this in place or removed as need be, so do not get frustrated if you are struggling with this step.
  8. If you have too much thread then take some off, for example, put some bits onto the hook and let go of them. If you have too little thread then there will be nothing left to move onto the hook. 
  9. Once you have got enough thread onto the hook you can start sewing. 

This is a simple guide to threading a sewing machine and if you use a similar method then it should not take long to get used to it or master this essential skill. 

There are some Singer sewing machine models that do not need threading, as they have lever systems that will move the needle up and down at the same time. This can be very useful if you are in a hurry, or simply have no patience for such things.

How to Thread a Janome Sewing Machine

First, make sure that the machine is turned off and get it out of its storage space or bag. Find the area where you can obtain the thread and insert it through the wheel on the right side of your machine. To get this wheel, you will need to turn on your machine and find a place that houses a small wheel or dial around your needle area.

Once you find this part of your sewing machine, turn it until you find a hollow inside where there are usually two wheels and sometimes three. You will want to locate the wheel and then turn it until you can see a hole on one side of it. This will be the location where you will insert your thread. The end of your thread should still be attached to the needle which is in that little area where you are looking for this particular part of your sewing machine.

After you have located this part, use your hand to push it down until your thread is through the other side of this wheel. If you can reach the part inside that it’s located on, use the end of your finger and push down until this is done.

After this is complete, you will want to pull the thread through. When you are about to make a stitch, your needle should be pointing towards the back of the sewing machine. You need to make sure that part of the sewing machine is down so that your fabric does not get caught.

you need to turn off your sewing machine and then move on from here. The next step will be placing a bobbin inside of your sewing machine where it can be used for sewing. Now, you will need to place your bobbin inside the case. This will make sure that it will work properly and securely. You will want to make sure that the thread is attached to the machine before moving on.

After this is done, you can start to sew whatever material that you are using earlier without having any problems when it comes through the other side of your machine. 

How to Thread a Bobbin on a Brother Sewing Machine

Brother sewing machines are very easy to use. There are a variety of different models that people can choose from, depending on the type of sewing they plan on doing. You do need to be knowledgeable about how your particular model works and which parts you can use during the process.

Bobbins are one type of part. These are used when you have a large project that you need to complete or if you have many different projects that you want to work on simultaneously. Threading bobbins is just like learning how to thread any other part of your machine, but there are some tips and tricks that will make it easier for you while working with Brother sewing machines in general.

The bobbin will be placed somewhere in the back of the machine, so you will have to look for it. This should be an easy task for most people to complete, but if it is not obvious where the bobbin is located, you can always look at your manual and ask customer service if you do need any help.

Take your bobbin and unwind it from its packaging. You can now take one end of the thread and attach it to a spool of thread that has been attached to your sewing machine. This is a good time to make sure everything works properly.

You will move on to the bobbin case when you are ready. This is located in the front of your sewing machine. You will want to open it up after you have unlocked it.

Take your bobbin and make sure that the groove is facing toward the right side of your sewing machine. Make sure that the wider part of the bobbin is on top, as well, so it can properly get into place. You can now close up your bobbin case and turn on your Brother Sewing Machine. The machine will automatically move to this point to check for any mistakes that you make along the way.

Now you will move on to the material that you want to sew. Thread your needle by hand and attach it to the thread you have already attached to the bobbin. This can be done in one of two ways. You can either use a screwdriver or get a specialized tool called a sewing machine needle threader. It depends on what type of Brother Sewing Machine model you have, so check your manual for instructions if needed.

You can start sewing now that everything is put into place correctly. Your machine should be working just like normal and you may not have any problems with it at all, depending on how long it has been since you last used Brother Sewing Machines in general.

FAQ About How to Thread a Sewing Machine

How to Thread a Sewing Machine if You Are Blind?

The process of how to thread a sewing machine if you are blind remains the same for a sighted person. However, there are some concerns that you should address in this situation.

For one thing, it is hard to read the sewing machine manual in braille or tape format as we have seen earlier. Furthermore, this will be hard because your eyesight is limited and not great like a sighted person. The best alternative when it comes to threading a sewing machine when you aren’t able to see well is using a device called a “threader” which can be purchased from any store that specializes in selling materials for the visually impaired. These come in various shapes, sizes, and colors. You will just have to choose the type that matches your sewing machine.

Threading of Simple Sewing Machine vs Heavy Duty Sewing Machine.

The threading process in a simple sewing machine and a heavy-duty sewing machine is quite similar because the instructions are pretty much the same. You just have to make sure that you go through all of the steps and follow them in order. You will have to try it out first before you know for sure if something is different about the way your machine works and how much thread it takes.

But it could be different if any of them has an automatic needle threader or not. This can make a huge difference in the way that you use your machine, depending on how well it works for you. The best thing to do is to find out exactly what type of machine you have before trying to do anything with it.

Final Thoughts

The article was written to educate people on how to thread a sewing machine. Some parts of the article were based on opinion and personal experience. This can be useful especially if it is something that you have never seen or something that you have doubts about.

I hope this article helped explain how to thread a sewing machine. Helping people know how to repair and operate their gears and parts of their equipment is extremely important for them to do so. It also helps them better understand where the parts go in the device.


  1. Reddit – Help to thread my sewing machine
  2. Quora – How do you thread a sewing machine?
  3. Reddit – Reddit, how do I thread this effing sewing machine??!!?!
  4. Wikihow – How to Thread a Sewing Machine
  5. Reddit – Need help threading the machine. It’s my first time using a sewing machine.

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