What is the Strongest Stitch by Hand And on Sewing Machine?

Designing clothes is not a simple task but the genuine is the execution of the entire plan to bring out an idealized dress. Stitching is the foremost pivotal task while making any clothes because whatever fabric quality you use if the stitching is not done perfectly it will conclusion up looking like a fashion catastrophe. While buying clothes the common customers take note of a few more self-evident highlights, like buttons, texture sort (fabric), and obviously design. But generally stitching is unpretentious above all.

A Stitch could be a single turn or loop of string. Stitches are the basic components of sewing, weaving, embroidery, etc. whether by hand or by a sewing machine. Assortments of stitches with different names are utilized for particular purposes.

Machine Sewing Stitches

A Sewing machine Stitch is made by a thread and threaded sewing needle with fabric or calfskin (leather). They are of different types:

  • Lock Stitch
  • Chain Stitch
  • Straight Stitch
  • Zigzag Stitch
  • Back Stitch
  • Satin Stitch

Lock Stitch

It is the foremost common mechanical stitch by a sewing machine. The term single-needle stitching frequently found on dress shirt names, alludes to lockstitch. Two threads or stitches are connected firmly to form a lock stitch. It is named “lock stitch” because of the lock between upper and lower threads.

Watch Video: How Lock Stitches in a Sewing Machine work?


  • Widest applications in the sewing industry.
  • Shaped by two diverse string system
  • In sewing methods, needle string is entwined with bobbin thread
  • Same appearance on face and back.
  • Stitch is different to unpick


  • More grounded (strongest) stitch.
  • Much cheaper
  • More available a service
  • Less thread usage
  • The seam strength on the lower and upper sides is the same.


  • It is aesthetically more unnatural.
  • Less engaging to a few due to the weaker “roping effect”.
  • Lower efficiency owing to bobbing changing.

Chain Stitch

It is a sewing and weaving strategy in which an arrangement of looped stitches forms a chain-like pattern. Chain stitch is an ornamental loop embroidered stitch. It is well known basic crochet stitch to form garments for winter.

Watch Video: How to do a Chain Stitch by hand


  • It is an ancient craft.
  • Used for inseam and side seams of garments.
  • Used for temporary stitching
  • The appearance of the face and back are different in clothes.
  • Stitch can be easily unpicked from last to first


  • High seam stretching
  • High seam strength
  • Less mechanical stress on sewing thread
  • High productivity to thread supply


  • High thread consumption
  • Seam-impressions on thin fabrics
  • Seam opening at the event of skipped stitching.

Straight Stitch

In a straight stitch, the needle is passed in and out of the fabric and specific distances other stitches are created by changing the straight stitch in length, spacing, and direction. It is a single and separate embroidered stitch. It is also known as “flat stitch”.


  • Join the seams of two fabrics.
  • Mostly done as a decorative embellishment
  • Used for quilt piecing
  • As they are used to close two seams, so they are not visible


  • Strongest stitch
  • High seam stretching.
  • Easy to handle
  • Durable


  • Less decorative
  • Less creative

Zig-Zag Stitch

It is used where straight stitches or others are found incapable and in over their head. Two of those areas are fortifying the buttonholes and sewing stretch fabrics together. It looks like a pattern of the zigzag. It temporarily joins two pieces of fabrics end-to-end.


  • Finishes fabric edges
  • Sew and Mend tears
  • Sew buttonholes
  • Gathering
  • To Attach trims
  • Join pieces of fabrics together


  • It is a decorative stitch
  • Creative stitch
  • Provide strength and durability
  • Creates stretchy seams
  • Easy to remove


  • Loose stitches
  • Puckered fabric
  • Top thread breaking
  • Deformed stitches

Back Stitch

Backstitch is a type of machine sewing stitch that mostly worked from left to right. The needle brings out a bit away from the beginning of the line to be covered and then inserted again at the beginning to take a backward step. The needle rises from the point where it was first started.


  • It is often used for outlying shapes
  • Strongly attaches two pieces of fabric.
  • Foundation o learn many complex stitches


  • Use to sew strong seams by hand
  • Easy to work
  • Strongest among basic stitches
  • Strengthens the seams


  • Lots of thread consumption.
  • Puckered fabric

Satin Stitch

It is an arrangement of flat stitches that are used to cover a section of background fabric completely. Satin stitch gives the appearance of “satin” (a smooth glossy fabric). It consists of rows of flat stitches arranged parallel.


  • Often used for outline
  • Attach appliqués to ground fabric
  • Tightly spaced decorative stitch
  • Used for monograms


  • Gives a rich, glamorous presence
  • Decorative and looks beautiful
  • Smooth as satin fabric


  • Expensive to carry out
  • It is a bit difficult to stitch
  • It requires proper attention

Which one is the strongest sewing machine stitch?

The strongest sewing machine stitch is no doubt, the Straight Stitch. It is most durable and hard to tear. It is efficient and often uses less thread. The straight stitch is quite functional and practical.


The straight stitch is one of the sturdiest and strongest among all due to the layers of threads, forming a stringent series of arrangements that are tightly knitted to be a break. Taking the straight stitches is almost equal to the damage or tear of the stitched fabric. In straight stitching, there are layers of threads on top of one another, which is enough to strengthen the stitch on the fabric. It is often combined with nylon and polyester thread for almost 100 percent result. It is the most popularly used type of stitch while forming garments by combining two or more pieces of fabric.

Hand Sewing Stitches

Hand stitching is a simple method of stitching hems, and clothes by hand. It technically requires more concentration than a sewing machine. It is also a popular method of sewing clothes by people who do not have much knowledge about sewing machines.
In this type of sewing machine, you get different types of stitches like cross stitch, back stitch, and straight stitch. At the end of the process, you will find that it would be more interesting to make stitches using your hands rather than using the machine. But in order to sew clothes using your own hands requires some skills and practice first.

Watch Video: Hand Sewing Stitches Tutorial

The five common types of hand sewing stitches are:

  • The Running Stitch
  • The Basting Stitch
  • Cross Stitch
  • Back Stitch
  • Slip Stitch

Running Stitch

It is the basic and most common hand embroidery stitch on which all other sewing stitches are based. While doing this stitch you simply have to move the needle along thread on fabrics in short regular and equal intervals.

Basting Stitch

Basting stitches are temporary long, easily removable, and loose stitches to hold the layers of fabric together until and unless final sewing is done. Also known as tacking stitch. These stitches are intended to be removed.

Cross Stitch

Cross stitch takes after a tiled design or pattern making it nearly forbearer to the digital pixels. Since it comprised of generally X-shaped, the overall design generally shows up as geometric and boxy.

Back Stitch

It is included both in the machine and hand-stitched. It is one of the strongest hand-sewing stitches that mostly worked from left to right. The needle brings out a bit away from the beginning of the line to be covered and then inserted again at the beginning to take a backward step. The needle rises from the point where it was first started.

Slip Stitch

It is a simple crochet stitch and is mostly used by knitters. It is an effective and easiest way to close seams. It is also called ladder stitch or invisible ladder stitch. They are generally used to move yarn over a bunch of stitches without including height.

Which is the strongest sewing stitch by hand?

The strongest sewing stitch by hand is the Back Stitch. It most adaptable, strongest, and permanent stitch done by hand. It is popular due to its versatility, durability, and usability among most stitchers.


The backstitch is the strongest and toughest among all due to its similarity to a machine stitch when it is done by an expert tailor or stitcher. While doing backstitching you are constantly making double stitch and tensioning it at every forward movement. This is due to the movement of the needle a bit away back from the previous point and overshooting. Most of the stitchers prefer this stitch because it is permanent due to the creation of a knot among each stitch.

Why do you need a strong stitch?

Many of us use a sewing machine or heavy-duty needles to prickle away at our garment seams, frays, and tears effortlessly. However, if you are using a basic needle then your stitches are going to be weak and may end up ripping the fabric.

So it is important for you to choose a strong and durable stitch that is most ideal for your work area. A good and accepted sewing machine will have several needles of different sizes; thereby giving you more options when it comes time to get creative. You can use a stronger stitch in all types of materials although they will yield different results.

Final Thoughts

The straight stitch is strongest among machine sewing stitches while the backstitch is strongest among hand-sewing stitches. Both are durable, permanent, and hard to break. The strength of both stitches is the result of the overlapping of threads. Backstitch is the part of straight stitch. In fact, we can say that straight stitch surely emerged from backstitch.

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