How To Make Jeans Softer? (Remove Hardness & Stiffness)

Are you worried about the wear and tear on your jeans? Are they getting nasty and crusty due to a lack of care or because you keep washing them incorrectly? If so, what can you do about it without spending hours trying to learn how to fade them a new color, saving enough money for new ones, or spending hundreds at a boutique designer brand store?

A few years ago, I bought a pair of jeans that I ended up wearing less because they were uncomfortable. The big problem with them was that the fabric was rough and itchy. This rough texture can make jeans uncomfortable because they tend to rub your legs raw. To make jeans softer, you are supposed to be able to wash them and get rid of the dirt, but some people don’t know how to do that.

Why Are Your Jeans So Hard?

At first, they were soft and comfortable…

Now they are a little bit stiffer…

They feel rough and are uncomfortable to wear. Your jeans usually begin to feel stiff when you wear them for a long time. Sometimes people find out that the skin on their thighs begins to rub off because their jeans are really in bad shape.

If you wear your jeans for a long time, then they are going to get stiff and uncomfortable. I tried washing mine, but that didn’t make them softer at all. Even though the material is not supposed to be washed, you can still try this. I still don’t know if it worked because my jeans are so hard, but it’s worth a shot. It may also help if you are trying to get out some stains.

It has been proven that jeans fade when exposed to water and sunlight. If you keep your jeans in the deep, dark secret places of your closet, they will never fade properly and they will be stiff all the time.

In this post, we will show you how much your jeans can get worn out, how to keep them looking good and what kind of fabric conditioners work best for your pants. I also have another trick that involves vinegar and fabric softener. The vinegar helps to remove any leftover soap, and it makes the jeans softer again.

How To Make Jeans Softer?

When I first bought those jeans, I washed them by putting them into the washing machine and then turning on the machine. The idea was that the extra heat would help to soften the rough fabric. But this method didn’t work very well. Since they were still really stiff, they seemed to get stiff after washing and wearing them a few times.

If you are one of those people that can’t wash jeans well, then here are a few tips on how to make jeans softer. I know it sounds strange because you probably like to wear your jeans raw, but the truth is that they start to look awful after a while. By then they don’t look as good as they did when you first bought them and they end up being uncomfortable.

Itching aside, everyone needs to wear comfortable clothes. Here is a short guide on how you can easily fix this issue with a few simple steps!

Jeans are one of the most comfortable, yet delicate, clothing items in your closet. One way to make them softer is to wash them together with towels that have a mixture of fabric softener and vinegar. Once washed and dried, you can put some fabric softener or starch on the inside of your pants before wearing them.

Another way is to use a small amount of baking soda while they are still wet from being washed to get all the soap out. Baking soda will also soften your jeans and make them less likely to have an unpleasant odor.

Turning jeans inside out when you wash them will not only help them to be less worn looking, but it also makes them look newer. Turning your jeans inside out while they are still wet will make the pants look newer as well as prevent any other substance that you have used on their outside from getting on their inside.

If you are someone that doesn’t like to wear jeans that are wrinkled or if you want to get rid of all the loose threads, then put your jeans in the dryer when they first come out of the washing machine. If this is not an option, then try taking them out right away and letting them air dry as soon as possible.

If you think that your jeans are a little bit too stiff, then try putting them in the dryer with some fabric softener sheets and turn them on to a medium heat setting. This process helps to soften and takes out any excess hair in them.

Top 11 Ways To Make Jeans Softer

If you want your jeans to be softer and to look newer, then try out some of these techniques. You will be surprised at how much they improve the way that they look and how much better you can wear them after you have put any of these ideas into practice.

  1. Fabric softener
  2. Vinegar 
  3. Ironing
  4. Loosing up binders
  5. Lemon juice
  6. Toothpaste
  7. Dryer sheets
  8. Salt
  9. Coffee 
  10. Baking soda
  11. Pam cooking spray

Fabric softener

By far one of the most popular ways to make jeans softer is to put some fabric softener on them. Fabric softeners are amazing, and they are an easy way to keep your jeans in great condition. Fabric softeners come in different forms: shampoos, sprays, washes, and dryer sheets.

Try using fabric softeners. I have found that using fabric softener helps your jeans not to itch and makes the material more pliable, which means that it is easier to work with. The fabric softener will also help to soften the fabric of your jeans. After you put the jeans in the washing machine, put a tablespoon of fabric softener into your washer and then proceed with your laundry as usual. The fabric softener will also help to get rid of any long and annoying hair that may be stuck inside your jeans.


Another idea is to use vinegar instead of fabric softener. Vinegar is a great alternative because it dissolves fibers and loosens binders which can make your jeans feel softer.

If you are not sure how to get a perfect balance, then you should use vinegar on cotton material and add in some water later with regular washing. Regular water helps to remove the vinegar and it helps to keep your fabric softener clean.

Vinegar is also a great alternative for all sorts of other things, including using it for cleaning your toilet bowl. Vinegar is cheaper than fabric softener and a great alternative if you are on a budget.


The next alternative is to use an iron. Ironing is also one of the best ways to make your jeans softer. If you have ever ironed jeans before, then you know how hard it can be and just how much work it can be to do it by hand. Ironing helps to remove all the stiffness from your jeans and makes them softer and easier to work with. So how do you use an iron?

Ironing jeans can be tricky at first, but the more you practice, the easier it is to get used to. Try putting a sock or a pair of long underwear inside your pant leg before attempting this. Ironing long underwear will also help protect your legs from getting burned while you are doing this. Ironing jeans is a great idea because it makes your jeans look nice and crisp. If you want to, you can use the iron to make your jeans look even better by creasing the bottom of your pant legs and creating more of a perfect look.

Loosening up binders

If you have tried vinegar, then try loosening up binders with the mixture of vinegar, salt and water. This is great for removing any loose strings or hair that may be stuck inside of your jeans. 

This is also incredible for removing any excess starch that may be stuck inside of your jeans. If you have a hard time removing the seams in the waist of pants, then try loosening up binders with water and salt before trying to remove any excess starch or strings.

Lemon juice

If you want to soften your jeans and make them look newer, try using lemon juice on them. Lemon juice works well because it is a great alternative for vinegar and it works well for removing any extra hair, salt and starch from the inside of your jeans.

If you have a little bit of time on your hands, then try putting lemon juice on your jeans before putting them in the washing machine. This will help to soften your jeans and make them look newer.

After you put your jeans in the washing machine, add an equal amount of water with lemon juice and then mix them together. Your water will be lemon scented after mixing it with the lemon juice.


If you have been putting toothpaste on your jeans and rubbing them in, then try removing the excess with water. Dentists recommend that you wash your teeth after every meal. To make sure that you do this, put a little bit of toothpaste on your toothbrush and then brush your teeth before going to sleep. You can also put the toothbrush in a sock to keep it clean while using it to clean your jeans.

Dryer sheets

Dryer sheets are very useful to keep your jeans soft and looking better. Dryer sheets work like fabric softeners, but they can also remove any excess starch from the inside of your jeans. The dryer sheets tend to be more expensive, but they are great for keeping your jeans from getting stiff, annoying hair in them and making them look nice and new. You should make sure that you do not use your dryer sheets too often, as it can cause trouble for your washer and dryer.

Dryer sheets also work well for removing any excess salt from the inside of your jeans. To do this, you should use only a little bit of salt and add it directly to your jeans before putting them in the dryer. Cotton material works well with dryer sheets. 


Make your own salt scrubs. If your jeans are stiff from not washing properly, then try subbing the fabric softener in place of the salt and let them sit a while before you wash them. This will help to relax any fibers in the material and will allow them to be worn more easily.

Remember how you used to wash your sneakers? Well, this same idea can work for faded jeans as well. With salt it can be used to get rid of some stains and make the jeans look newer as well. Just fill up a bowl with warm water and add a pinch or two of salt and then pour the water into your jeans. Let it rest for a while and then wash them as usual.Once they are dry, you can use deodorant to get rid of the dry salt or baking soda residue on the inside of your pants.


If you want to soften your jeans and are looking for an alternative to salt and vinegar, then try using coffee. Coffee works well because it helps to dissolve any excess salt and sugar that may be stuck in your jeans. Coffee is also great for removing any excess starch that may be stuck in the legs of your pants.

Use ground coffee instead of regular coffee, because it works better for this purpose. If you want to, try putting some bacon grease into the coffee for added flavor and texture as well.

After you put your jeans in the washing machine, pour in some coffee into your washer and then proceed with your laundry as usual.

To make things simpler, try using coffee instead of fabric softener or vinegar. Coffee works well because it is cheaper to buy than fabric softener or vinegar and it is a great alternative if you are on a budget.

Baking Soda

You can also use baking soda on your jeans to soften them.Fill up a bucket of water and add some baking soda to get rid of the dirt that is stuck in the jeans and vinegar to relax the material. After washing them, you can use fabric softener instead of salt if you want.

Baking soda can be used to make your jeans look newer. By using baking soda instead of salt, you get softer jeans, and they will not have the same residue that salt may leave behind.

Baking soda is an easy to use alternative to using salt or vinegar and can be a great way to clean your jeans without hurting the material or leaving behind any nasty smells.

Baking soda is also good for removing some stains from denim and can be used instead of other expensive products. You can use it on stains such as grease and oil to get rid of the stains.

Mix 1/2 cup of water with 2-3 teaspoons of vinegar, then add half a cup of baking soda and mix into a paste. Apply it onto the stain and let sit for 5 minutes before laundering.

Pam cooking spray

Spay the inside of your jeans, let it soak in, then wash them to soften your pants as they remove stains and residue. Plus you can use vinegar to help neutralize the smell of chemical softeners like pam.

Make sure that you have washed your jeans properly before attempting to make them softer. If you have any old jeans that are too stiff to wear, then you can try using the fabric softener alternative. If your jeans are stiff on the outside, but they are still holding their shape, then there isn’t a reason to worry.

How To Make A Hard Jacket Softer?

By now, you’re probably wondering if there’s any way to make a hard jacket softer. There are many ways that you can do this. Follow these steps to soften up your jacket and make it look new again.

If you have a jacket that is stiff and tough, then you can try washing it in the washing machine. I know that sounds strange but this is one of the best ways to make a jacket softer. Before you put your jacket into the washing machine, put a little bit of laundry soap into the pre-wash setting. This will help to remove any stains or dirt and make your jacket look new again.

Now that you have your jacket in the washing machine, set it on the spin cycle and then put it on the regular wash cycle. After that, you can hang your jacket up to air dry. You may want to check the label on your jacket because some of them are not supposed to be washed this way.

Thinking of other ways to soften a hard jacket? Take a look at these suggestions: 

If you are someone that owns leather or vinyl jackets, take a damp cloth and rub them down well. This will eliminate any pilling that may be on your jacket. Also, if you have a jacket that is made of leather, then you should consider cleaning it with mink oil. This helps to moisturize the jacket so it doesn’t look as worn out or as hard as it once had been.

How To Make Denim Jeans Softer?

If your jeans are worn and rough, then you will want to make them softer. Here is a quick guide on how to do that.

If you wash your jeans and they end up looking stiff, then you should take them out of the washing machine and put them in the dryer. Here you can turn your dryer on warm and allow them to dry for a while. After they have dried, you will want to take them out and put some of the fabric softeners on the inside of the jeans. This will make them softer so they are more comfortable to wear.

Another good way to make your jeans softer is by putting a small amount of baking soda in them before you wash them. The baking soda will help to remove any soap that’s already been on the denim. You can also use a regular washing detergent and mix it with fabric softener to put in your denim.

One last way to make your jeans softer is to put them into the dryer with some fabric softener sheets. This helps remove the extra lint and will make the jeans easier to press and iron afterward.

How To Make Levis Jeans Softer?

Do you have a pair of Levis jeans that are very stiff? Follow these tips to make them softer.

  1. Put your Levis jeans in the dryer with some fabric softener sheets. This will help to remove any excess lint and make them feel softer after they have dried.
  2. You can also put a small amount of baking soda on the inside of your Levis jeans and then wash them as you usually would. This helps to remove any excess lint that may be inside the denim and will make them feel softer after you have air-dried them.
  3. To remove any pilling on your Levis jeans, you should use a damp cloth and rub them down well. This may take a few tries to completely remove all of the pills, but it will make the jeans softer and look new again.
  4. You can also take a toothbrush and brush it along the inside of your denim jeans. This will help to loosen up any dirt that may be trapped in the denim without damaging it.
  5. Another good way to make your Levis jeans softer is to take batteries, that you have recently changed, and put them along the inside of your jeans. This helps the wear and tear on the batteries, instead of those on the coins, come out easier.
  6. Finally, you can also try putting a small amount of baking soda on your Levis jeans before washing them. This will remove any dirt or soil that may be in the jeans so that you may enjoy your Levis wearing them for a long time.

Do Washing Jeans Make Them Softer?

The inside of your jeans is rough, and you don’t want to wear them for a long time. To keep them from getting any rougher, then you should put in a fabric softener sheet before you put them in the dryer. This will make them feel softer and look new again without ruining the denim.

By now, you probably know that washing your jeans can cause them to be softer. However, you may not know that there are some things that you can do to make sure that your jeans will feel soft and durable after washing them. You may want to follow these steps to make sure that your jeans aren’t worn out when you put them on.

  1. If you have a pair of jeans with loose threads or buttons, then be sure to put them in a pillowcase and tie them in a knot. This will help prevent the buttons from getting caught on anything inside the washer and dryer.
  2. The inside of your jeans should also be embroidered with a heavy-weight thread. This is important because the heavy-weight thread will help to drape over body parts so that the jeans do not look too baggy on the waist.
  3. If your jeans are very stiff, then be sure to hang them up to air dry before you put them on. In addition, you may want to put some fabric softener sheets into the washer and then turn it on before washing your jeans again.

FAQ about Making Jeans Softer

Are Washing Jeans Ready For The Dryer?

If you want to make your jeans softer and not any rougher, then you should put them in the washer with some fabric softener sheets before putting them in the dryer. By doing this your jeans will be more comfortable to wear and will look new again.

Do Washing Jeans Make Them Smoother?

If you don’t want your jeans to get any rougher after washing them, then you should make sure that you put them in a fabric softener sheet before putting them in the dryer. This way the jeans will be softer and will look new again.

Can You Iron Soft Jeans?

If your jeans have been washed and dried, then you can iron them like any other piece of clothing that is made from cotton. This will make the denim smoother and easier to wear because it will void the need for ironing.

What material makes jeans soft and resistant?

Leather is a naturally occurring material made from the skin of cattle, pigs, and horses. The other materials used to make denim jeans are types of denim, yarns, fibers, and thread.

Who invented jeans?

Levi Strauss introduced denim jeans in 1871. In 1873, Strauss got his first license for the product. At that time most people wore trousers and not jeans, so he called his product “Leather Jeans”.In 1895, the company introduced the word Denim to its product. They started using denim that was made from cotton linter 110 years after its invention.

How to make jeans feel softer?

Although these jeans are stiff, the external layer can be felt through the cloth. If the fabric is thinner and tightly woven with vertical grain, it will feel soft when touched.

How to make jeans more comfortable?

According to Wayne Gleason, a Levi’s Vice President, jeans need to be broken in by wearing them for an extended period. The jeans should stretch after they have been worn or washed several times and they also should not be washed until everything has broken in.

Does vinegar make jeans softer?

Yes, it does. Vinegar helps to reduce body odor and also makes your jeans softer. Detergent is also an effective way to make jeans softer.

How does washing make jeans softer?

Washing the jeans will make them stiff and hard because of the friction between two layers of denim. Thus, if you wash them and then wear them, you will feel a lot more comfortable.

What is the best way to wash jeans?

It is very important to wash jeans in cold water. If you put your jeans in hot water, it will ruin the denim and make it lose. The most effective way of washing is with liquid detergent, mild bleach, and a little detergent while they are still wet. You can also use the washing machine and cold rinse cycle once or twice.

Can jeans get dry cleaned?

Denim jeans can be dry cleaned as they have a different type of finish. The cleaning can damage the logos and other parts which appear on the surface of the cloth.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, jeans are the most popular piece of clothing for all ages. They have a wide range of colors, styles, and designs. No matter what your style is, jeans are your choice to pair with everything from shoes to t-shirts. 

They are an important part of fashion because it was invented to make people’s lives more comfortable and convenient. So, everyone can enjoy the pleasure brought by them easily and quickly with the above infos.

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