Can You Take Knitting Needles on Airplane?

Knitting is not only a productive and fun hobby, but it is also a very relaxing activity, and a good way to keep your fingers in shape and your brain engaged. Knitting also comes in handy when you want to make a personalized gift to somebody. It is a great way to make something special and personalized that can be given to someone you care about. And it is possible to continue knitting on an airplane as you would do in your home.

So, how do you know if your needles are allowed on an airplane? Well, it’s worth keeping in mind that knitting needles might be considered a weapon and you can be denied to bring them onboard in some cases. However, the TSA will also let you carry knitting needles as long as it is less than four in length. You can check online if your flying company allows them or not. Now, let’s take a closer look at how you can keep your knitting or crochet hooks during air travel.

What Are Knitting Needles?

Knitting needles are long, thin rods that are used to create fabric by interlocking loops of yarn or thread. They come in a variety of sizes and materials and can be straight or curved. Knitting needles can be made from metal, plastic, wood, or bone, and are typically around 10-30cm long.

Knitting needles are long, thin rods that are used to create fabric by interlocking loops of yarn or thread. They come in a variety of sizes and materials and can be straight or curved. Knitting needles can be made from metal, plastic, wood, or bone, and are typically around 10-30cm long.

Needles are usually sold in pairs, and the size of the needles is determined by the diameter of the rod. The larger the diameter, the thicker the needle and the weight of the yarn it can accommodate. Needles are also available in a variety of lengths, from around 10cm to 30cm. The length of the needle is determined by the project you are working on; for example, shorter needles are better suited for projects that require more maneuverability, such as socks, while longer needles are better for projects that require fewer stitches, such as blankets.

The material of the needle is also important to consider. Metal needles are strong and durable, but can be slippery and difficult to control. Plastic needles are less slippery but can be more difficult to insert into the fabric. Wood and bone needles are natural materials that are easy to grip and work with but can be more expensive.

Check Also: Are Crochet Hooks Allowed On Airplane?

Which Type of Knitting Needles Are Best to Carry on a Plane?

Knitting needles come in a variety of different materials and sizes. Among them are aluminum, plastic, bronze, and steel knitting needles. Aluminum knitting needles are the easiest to work with because they are lightweight. It’s so lightweight that it can be carried through the airport without any kind of issue.

But even aluminum can be a security threat for many reasons. Aluminum is not allowed on airplanes because it makes it easier for people to commit crimes e.g. or terrorism-related activities. There are criminal-minded crooks who would like to take advantage of your knitting habit by using your knitting needles as weapons.

The answer is no to aluminum needles or any kind of metal needles to bring on the plane. Knitting needles can be considered sharp tools, so you might have to remove them from your luggage.

If you do not want to inconvenience yourself by removing your knitting needles every time you travel, then you can always resort to wooden or plastic ones instead of metal ones. For one thing, wooden or plastic knitting needles are not detected by x-rays and security checks as metal knitting needles so they are not seen as a potential weapon by the security checker at the airport.

Another benefit of using plastic needles is the fact that they’re cheaper than other types of material but not durable. However on the other hand you can carry wooden knitting needles that will offer you the same benefits as plastic needles, only with more durability. So you won’t have to replace them too often.

Plastic Knitting needles do not have metal parts in them, but the actual plastic used is extremely fragile and can easily bend or break when it comes into contact with a hard surface, such as an airplane seat back, or a hard table while you are knitting.

They are not usually challenging to transport and you should be able to take them on the airplane in your carry-on. Whatever you don’t check them! It’s best that you bring them in a bag so they don’t accidentally get thrown around or stuck on an unknown surface.

It is important to carry an airline-approved storage case with extra needles so that they can be properly stored. A container designed for knitting needles should also have enough space for lots of extra yarn – about 100 feet of yarn for each needle.

Of course, there is not a definitive list of every airline, but some of the more popular ones allow them as long as they are under 4 inches long. Flight attendants might ask what they are for and then let you know if it is permitted or not. And, you need to know the rules of the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) if you want to travel on airplanes and want to keep your knitting needles along with you.

What Kind of Knitting Needles Are Approved by TSA’s Rules?

According to TSA, it all depends on the type of material and length of the needles. Any sharp object including knitting that is longer than 4 inches can be considered a potential hazard during travel.

TSA allows you to bring knitting needles on planes and you are allowed to take these in your Carry On or Checked Bags. However, you need to make sure that the needles are stored in a safe place and are not sharpened.

Here is the TSA instruction for knitting needles, “Any sharp objects in checked bags should be sheathed or securely wrapped to prevent injury to baggage handlers and inspectors.” 

What Are the TSA’s Rules for Bringing Knitting Needles on a Plane?

If you want to be specific there are following TSA’s rules for brining knitting needles on plane.

  • 1. Make sure your knitting needles are properly packed in a sturdy container so they do not get damaged during travel.
  • 2. Make sure the needles are fully sharpened before packing them away.
  • 3. Make sure the container you are packing them in is properly labeled and has the correct government classification for knitted goods.
  • 4. Check with your airline before packing your knitting needles to make sure they are allowed on the plane with you.

How Can I Pack My Knitting Needles for Transportation?

There are a few things you need to keep in mind when packing your knitting needles for transportation. First, they are considered sharp objects by the TSA and must be stored in a safe place to prevent injury to baggage handlers and inspectors. You can pack them in your carry-on or checked bags, but they must be sheathed or securely wrapped if put in checked bags. Second, you need to make sure the needles are packed in a way that they will not damage other items in your luggage.

Knitting needles can be made from metal, plastic, wood, or bone, and are typically around 10-30cm long. They should be packed in a sturdy container so they do not break or poke through other items in your bag. Finally, you need to be aware of the size and weight restrictions for carry-on and checked luggage when packing your knitting needles. Most airlines have strict limits on the size and weight of carry-on and checked bags, so you will need to make sure your knitting needles comply with these restrictions.

Can a Person Travel With Knitting Needles on Planes Internationally?

If you are traveling to another country, you will find that what is allowed on a plane varies depending on the country you will be traveling to and from. For example, some countries have strict restrictions regarding knitting needles. Many airlines also have restrictions regarding knitting needles of certain materials and sizes.

Airlines are not consistent when it comes to allowing knitting needles to be carried on a plane, so you will need to do your research before making your plans if it is important that they be with you on the trip. 

Knitting is not only a productive and fun hobby, but it is also a very relaxing activity. Knitting needles are also allowed on planes if they are less than four inches long and that they don’t have any metal parts. Many airport security will ask if you have any knitting needles before allowing you to board your plane.

If you have made the decision to bring your favorite knitting needles with you on an airplane, it’s good to take a closer look at how you can keep them from getting lost during air travel. You may not pack those pink and purple circular needles, but you can take square ones and straight needles.

But, be cautious! The airport security might ask to see your luggage and make sure you don’t contain any sharp objects. Tuck them away in your carry-on for safekeeping.

Here, we’ll sort out the truth from some of the more persistent rumors and give you a better idea of where to find and carry your knitting needles.

FAQ about Are Knitting Needles Allowed On Airplane

How Do You Know If Your Flying Company Allows Knitting Needles or Not?

There are lots of different types of flights, so you need to check with your flight company before you pack. There are some companies that allow needles as long as it is less than four in length and others that do not. You can search online or ask the flight attendants if they will accept needles on board or not.

Is Knitting Allowed at Airports?

No, there is a no-knitting policy in public terminals. Usually, with knitting needles, you need to tread carefully, as they can be considered as a weapon due to their metallic bodies, and also for their sharp and pointy edges. You cannot use them in the public area at the airport, however, you can use them on a plane according to TSA guidelines.

Can I Bring Knitting Needles on the Plane?

Knitting needles can be taken on the plane as long as they are under 4 inches long and contain no metal parts. TSA’s rule states that small scissors are allowed as long as they are less than 4-inches. So knitting needles can be treated the same way as small scissors. The TSA rules do not mention knitting needles by name, but you can still travel with them on the plane. 

Can You Take Knitting Needles on a Plane?

Yes, you can take knitting needles on a plane, but there are some restrictions. Knitting needles are considered sharp objects by the TSA and must be stored in a safe place to prevent injury to baggage handlers and inspectors. You can pack them in your carry-on or checked bags, but they must be sheathed or securely wrapped if put in checked bags.

Why Would You Want to Bring Knitting Needles on a Plane?

There are a few reasons why you might want to bring knitting needles on a plane. If you are a knitter, you may want to bring your needles with you so you can knit during the flight. Knitting can be a great way to pass the time on a long flight and help reduce stress.

Can You Take Knitting Needles on a Plane to Europe?

Yes, you might take knitting needles on a plane in Europe. You can check it online at their website, knitting needles are not prohibited on a plane. But the proper safety measures must be taken. As they are considered sharp objects, they must be stored in a safe place to prevent injury to baggage handlers and inspectors. They can be packed in your carry-on or checked bags, but they must be sheathed or securely wrapped if put in checked bags. 

Can You Bring Wooden Knitting Needles on a Plane?

Yes, you can bring wooden knitting needles on a plane. You need to be aware of the size and weight restrictions for carry-on and checked luggage, and make sure your knitting needles comply with these restrictions.

Can You Take Knitting Needles on a Plane to Australia?

Yes, you can take knitting needles on a plane in Australia if they are sheathed or wrapped. Airlines have travel sizes available online that would fit in your carry-on or check luggage. Again, always check your airline’s rules for carry-on sizes before packing them in your bag.

Can I Take Metal Knitting Needles on a Plane?

In general, metal knitting needles are allowed on a plane. According to TSA, your knitting needles must be less than four inches. But they did not emphasize the type of knitting needles. However, few airlines have metal knitting needles in checked luggage. And there is also a possibility some airlines will deny you carrying metal knitting needles considering them a threatening object.

Can I Take Plastic Knitting Needles on a Plane?

Plastic knitting needles are usually the best type to carry on a plane. You can find them in the market or online, too. But you should check airline rules and regulations before packing it in your bag. The best way to protect plastic knitting needles is to sheathe or securely wrapped with an elastic band or tape. The ideal way to protect plastic needles from damage is by placing them in either a checked bag or packing them in your carry-on bag.

Final Thoughts

Knitting needles are a great way to pass the time on a long flight and also make great gifts. Whether you are a knitter or not, it is always a safe and fun idea to bring your knitting needles with you to help you pass the time in-flight.

However, you might need to be careful about the type of knitting needles you are bringing onboard, usually, plastic and wooden knitting needles are best to bring on the plane, as they can pass security checks comparatively easier than our usual metallic needles.

TSA approves less than four inches of knitting needles to carry. However, sometimes even if you checked the list of allowed items online, airport security might confiscate it considering it a threatening object. In that case, you might want to print their checklist and keep it with you. So, in case you find any objection from airport security you can show it to them.

If you find this article helpful, share it with your friends and if you want to share your experience or might have a question do let us know in the comments section. We would be happy to hear from you.

1 thought on “Can You Take Knitting Needles on Airplane?”

  1. Helena O’Kekai

    I’m sick of the TSA barring knitting needles, crochet hooks, embroidery needles and scissors. Each TSA agent has their own personal agendas and act like Demi-Gods. “I have the power to take all things from you and label you as a terrorist!”
    In 2023 our biggest fear is homegrown domestic terrorists, the Oath Keepers, Proud Boys etc.
    We still remove our shoes because Admiral Wm McRaven, Seal Team 6 leader thought while he was White House advisor thought everyone should remove their shoes. He is deeply apologetic as now no one has the guts to stop that rule! A US Representative has TWICE put loaded hand guns in his carry on baggage and he was never arrested or even fined!

    Time to stop this insanity. It’s a nine hour plane flight from my home in Hawaii to Los Angeles…THEN long flights to everywhere else. I flew from Honolulu to Paris and back. 14-23 hours on flight…7,675 miles, with too many transfers. I’m 74 yo, disabled with severe arthritis. I use two canes that must be folded and stored in upper holds. I’m tired of this!

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