Does Nylon Fabric Shrink When Washed Or Dried?

We are all familiar with Nylon. It is a very strong type of fabric that has been used in our clothing for many years. It has also been used by manufacturers in making other products like detergent, polyester, and ropes. Nylon was invented by the DuPont company to make fabrics out of a mixture of cotton and acrylic fibers.

Nylon was made in 1935 by DuPont and they patented their new material immediately. However, it was not available to the public until 1940, when nylon stockings were introduced and become a huge success immediately. The name was chosen after America had recovered from World War II and it would be easier to recognize the material as a new item on the market rather than calling it “Dupont’s new material”.

So back to the original question of how much nylon shrinks when washed or dried, well it is difficult for me to answer that question with absolute certainty because the amount of shrinkage that occurs in nylon fabric can vary depending on the varying fabrics. For example, a specific type of nylon and how it is treated during the manufacturing process, how much it has blended with other fabrics, what is the shrinkage ratio of the other blended fabric, etc. The general rule of thumb is that the higher the shrinkage ratio of the blended fabric, the higher it will shrink. In general, it is not possible to shrink 100% nylon fabric, unless under exceptional circumstances.

The best way to get this question answered is to read the care instruction of the garment carefully. With the usual care guide for fabric, also mentioned the blended fabric and shrinkage ratio also.
In short, nylon fabrics tend to have very little shrinkage when compared to other natural and synthetic fabrics. This is because nylon fibers are strong and resistant to damage, which helps the fabric retain its shape even after washing and drying.

Commonly Used Types of Nylon In Textile

There are several different types of nylon, each with its own unique properties and applications. However, the most widely used type of nylon in the textile is as follows:

  1. Nylon 6: This is one of the most common types of nylon, and is known for its high strength and durability. It is often used in a wide range of applications, including clothing, ropes, and other materials that need to be strong and durable.
  2. Nylon 6,6: This type of nylon is made by combining two different monomers, and is known for its high strength and stiffness. It is often used in applications where high strength and stiffness are required, such as in ski gear, etc.

Each has a different price when it is sold to the end user. If you have a piece of nylon with a brand name imprinted on it, you may be wondering whether the fabric shrinks when washed or dried. The answer is yes and no. Generally speaking, nylon fabric will stretch over time and eventually take the form of a tube, which means that most nylons will shrink when they’re properly washed. If your garment has any coating whatsoever on the outside surface, you might want to hold off on washing it as long as possible if your goal is to preserve its shape.

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In this article, we will discuss how nylon fabric shrinks and the things you can do to prevent it.

Does Nylon Shrink?

Yes. All fabric shrinks to some degree, including nylon. It is mainly the synthetics like nylon and polyester, which are manufactured from oil or synthetic polymers that shrink more easily than natural fabrics. 

Nylon is a synthetic fabric that is known for its high strength and durability. However, due to its synthetic nature is not easily shrunk. That is why it is often used in a wide range of applications, including clothing, ropes, and other materials that need to be strong and durable such as ski gear or other activewear. In general circumstances, nylon is resistant to shrinking, but it can shrink under certain circumstances.

One of the main reasons that nylon can shrink is if it is exposed to high temperatures. Nylon has a high melting point, so it will not shrink at room temperature or in cold water. However, if it is exposed to very high temperatures, such as in a dryer, it can shrink. This is because the heat causes the fibers in the nylon to contract and expand the thread by which it is woven, which can lead to shrinkage.

Another reason that nylon can shrink is if it is stretched too much. Nylon has good elasticity, which means that it can stretch and return to its original shape. However, if it is stretched too far, it can lose its elasticity and shrink. This can happen if the nylon is stretched excessively during the manufacturing process, or if it is stretched too much when it is worn.

In general, nylon is resistant to shrinking, but it can shrink under certain circumstances. To prevent shrinkage, it is important to avoid exposing nylon to high temperatures and to avoid stretching it excessively. It is also important to follow the care instructions provided by the manufacturer when washing and drying nylon fabrics.

The amount of shrinkage nylon has when washed depends on how tight those individual threads are woven into the cloth. The way to reduce shrinkage is to make sure that your cloth is not overly tight-woven or loosely woven by using a larger thread count than needed for your project.

How Does Nylon Fabric Shrink?

Although nylon is a strong fabric that is often used in products like ropes and parachutes. But as mentioned above, nylon is not easy to shrink but under the right circumstances, it can be done. Nylon is a synthetic polymer that is made up of long chains of molecules. These chains are tightly bound together, which gives nylon its strength and durability and is the reason why nylon does not shrink easily.

However, nylon is also susceptible to heat and can shrink when exposed to high temperatures. At high temperatures, the molecules in the material begin to move faster and break free from their tight bonds. This causes the material to shrink and become more compact.

The amount of shrinkage that occurs depends on the type of nylon and the temperature it is exposed to. Nylon is commonly used in clothing, and when nylon clothing is washed in hot water or dried in a hot dryer, it can shrink. To prevent shrinkage, it is important to read the care instructions on your nylon clothing and avoid exposing it to high temperatures.

However, if shrinkage happens, then you might want to wash them in hot water as the heat might help them to return to their original shape. According to the experts at Reddit, it is best to wash nylon fabric in tap or lukewarm water, then it is unlikely that it will shrink. Because if nylon fabric ashed in very cold water then it might shrink.

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How Much Does Nylon Fabric Shrink?

It is highly unlikely that 100% nylon fabric would shrink because nylon fibers are extremely strong and resistant to damage. On average, 100% nylon fabrics are known to have no shrinkage or very little shrinkage in some extremely rare cases. When compared to other fabrics, 100% nylon fabrics would take very extreme conditions to cause significant shrinkage in nylon fabric.

The amount of shrinkage you experience depends on the type of nylon that you use and the process used to make it. For instance, the types of plastic used to create a synthetic fabric will determine how much its fibers shrink after washing.

For example, Ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) is a type of nylon that has a high melting point and a very low rate of shrinkage. In contrast, polypropylene is a comparatively low melting point which means it is vulnerable to UV rays and also has a low life cycle. Because due to its low melting point, it will start to lose shape more quickly.

What Causes Nylon To Shrink?

Nylon is a very resistant fabric that takes heat, cold, and moisture really well. It will not shrink when you put it in the freezer for example, but it will if washed. There are a few things that can cause the nylon to shrink such as:

  1. Mixed Colors

If the fabric has two different colors or shades, there is a chance that it might bleed color while in the washing machine or dryer and also cause the fabric to shrink on one side or another of its body. In cases like this, you may want to wash your fabric on its own first before making other garments out of it.

  1. Sorting Place

Material that has been stored in a hot area for a long time. You may not think this is important, but if your nylon fabric was stored in a hot area like the trunk of your car or the trunk of your refrigerator for a long time, then you may want to wash it first before using it in other projects. 

This way you can prevent the fabric from shrinking after you have worked with it and used more of its fibers. If you notice any fading or discoloration on the fabric at all, washing it first is also a good way to make sure that this doesn’t continue as well.

  1. Ironing Can Fix Shrinkage

If you have a shirt that has shrunk in the dryer too much but is made from 100 % nylon, you can always iron it back to its original size. You can also throw the garment in a dryer with a wet towel and then take it out before it is completely dry.

  1. Fabric Content

There are some fabrics that are a mixture of cotton, wool, and other synthetics that will shrink more than other nylon when washed. That’s because they contain cotton or wool fibers which will shrink more than nylon.

  1. Color Of Fabric

It is another myth that I need to correct, the darker the color, the more it will shrink when washed. The color of the fabric does not matter in shrinkage no matter how dark or light it is. However, it is advised to separate the wash load according to color due to color bleeding.

  1. Manufacturing

Some fabric manufacturers have their fabrics pre-shrunk to the size they want and if you don’t buy that size, then your garment may shrink excessively in the wash.

How Long Does It Take Nylon Material To Shrink?

Nylon fabric might stretch over time and shrink when it is washed, but it will take a while for this to happen. Using the right detergent and fabric conditioner will help minimize the amount of shrinkage. However, we always recommend using the garment at its original size before washing or drying. You can also use fabric sizing to keep your garments in shape once they have been washed or dried. Please don’t use heavy starch on nylon it can harm your nylon fabric.

However, if you are experiencing shrinkage in a nylon material, it is likely due to exposure to extreme heat or chemicals, or improper care or handling. On average, it is not possible to predict exactly how long it will take for a nylon material to shrink, as it can vary depending on the specific circumstances.
For example, if you want to shrink your nylon fabric by dipping it in hot water then skipping the dryer and putting directly in ice-cold water can help the nylon fabric to shrink. But be warned due to elasticity it will come back to its original shape depending on the type of blended fabric used, as the 100% nylon fabric does not shrink easily if at all.

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Tips To Prevent Your Garment From Shrinking

There are a few things you can do, however, to minimize the amount of shrinkage that occurs when washing your garments.

  1. Dryer Setting

If you are doing laundry at home then you need to set specific settings in your wash machine, it’s important to pay attention to the dryer setting. In particular, if you have a choice between low heat and high heat settings, low heat is typically always better for your garments. This will prevent excessive shrinking down the road if handled properly.

  1. Not Too Hot of Water

High heat setting in the washing machine as well as the hot air in the dryer can cause significant shrinkage. When drying, if you are using a heat setting higher than low, keep an eye on how much your garments are shrinking. If they are shrinking too much, you may want to turn the heating down.

  1. Don’t Overload the Washer or Dryer

The more clothes you put into the wash machine or dryer at one time, the more they will mix together and get tangled up with each other in a way that can lead to fabric damage and shrinkage if not handled properly. For the most part, it’s best to only put in one or two full loads of clothing at a time. That will prevent your clothes from getting tangled up and lead to less shrinkage in the long run.

  1. Use the Right Water Temperature

Temperature plays a significant role in washing and drying clothes, and whether they will shrink when in use. If you choose to wash your fabrics at a warmer temperature, such as 130 degrees Fahrenheit, or above, this can cause them to stretch out more than necessary and make them weak than you anticipated when first washing them.

Does Nylon Fabric Shrink In Washer?

As mentioned, nylon is a synthetic fabric that does shrink when properly washed. One of the best ways to keep your nylons from shrinking is to hand wash them. When nylons are washed in a washer that has a high heat setting, then they will shrink more if you had washed them by hand. This is because of the heat and force used in drying items in the dryer.

Another thing that you can do to keep your nylon pieces from shrinking too much is to not use a detergent that does not has bleach or whitening agents in it. These additives can cause the nylon to lose its color or even some of its original shine over time, leaving you with a dull piece instead.

Does Nylon Fabric Shrink In The Dryer?

Nylon fabrics do shrink when they are dried in the dryer. This is a common question among people who consider buying nylon bedding and clothes. In order to understand how nylon fabric shrinks during drying, you need to know how nylon fabric shrinks in general.

Please keep in mind, 100% nylon is resistant to shrinking and will not shrink under normal conditions. Therefore, it is unlikely that nylon fabric will shrink in a dryer unless it is exposed to extremely high temperatures or other factors that can cause shrinkages, such as the type, ratio, and shrinking ability of the blended fabric it contains. That’s why it is always best to follow the care instructions on the garment or fabric to ensure that it is properly cared for and does not shrink. On average, it is safe to dry nylon fabrics on a low heat setting, or if you are paranoid you can throw a wet towel as well in the dryer or air dry them if possible.

How Much Does Nylon Shrink When It Is Washed?

Generally speaking, when a blended piece of nylon garment is properly washed and dried, it will shrink by 5% to 10%. This means you should wash your garments twice a year or when you feel like you need to refresh them. However, if you want to prolong the life of your garments that are made out of 100% nylon for many years, don’t wash them at all.

It’s important to remember that if you want the garment to retain its shape, you should hang dry your item with nylon garments, not in the dryer.

If you want your garment to be as soft and comfortable as possible, then it needs to hang dry while still maintaining its original appearance. You can check out this article on how to choose a proper drying rack for how important that is.

How to Prevent Shrinkage of Nylon When Washed or Dried?

There are a few things that you can do to prevent excessive shrinking when washing nylon fabric by hand or in a washer and dryer. They include:

  1. Wash your garment inside out and always use cold water, and never hot water when cleaning it by hand or in the washing machine. Cold water will balance out your garment’s natural heat and moisture levels. If you want to use hot water, cool it down before adding your garment to the washing machine. This can be done by placing your garment in a bucket of cold water for a few minutes before putting it in the washer and then turning on the heat setting to wash on.
  2. The longer you have your fabric in the dryer, the more likely that it will shrink. That’s because the heat has caused it to stretch out and shrink when first washed or dried.
  3. If your garment is finished and you want it to shrink, wash it on a hot cycle or place it in the dryer for a few minutes using a high heat setting.
  4. If you have an item made out of 100 % nylon fabric that cannot be shrunk in the wash. However, if your blended nylon fabric has shrunken then you can iron it back to its original size by placing it on an ironing board with a wet towel over the fabric and then ironing at low heat while covering the fabric in a towel to prevent singeing. Remove from the iron once it begins to cool off, let it sit for a few minutes, then put it back on the iron again until is hot again.
  5. When you take the garment out of the washer, make sure to hang it up or lay it flat to dry rather than throw it in a dryer. This can help prevent shrinkage as well.
  6. When taking your garment out of the washer or dryer, let it sit for a few hours before handling it and putting it on so that there isn’t any heat that you might touch with your hands and then pass on to the fabric. This will prevent shrinkage from happening when you handle the clothes and put them on or wear them in general.
  7. Don’t pull or touch the fabric when you are putting it on. You can shrink it and then try to stretch it out again. If you do this, you will have even more problems in the long run than you start with.
  8. If your garment has shrunk after washing and drying by hand, ironing, or in a dryer, the best way to get it back to its original size is by using a clothes steamer on the nylon if one is available to you then humidity and heat away from the fabric before ironing or washing. This will allow your iron to reach areas that are usually too hot for it and make sure that you remove any pilling from the fabric before ironing on as well.

Can I Machine Wash 100% Nylon?

One of the biggest questions that people have about washing 100% nylon is whether or not it can be done in a washing machine. It can be, but you have to make sure that your washer is set to a low or gentle cycle. If you don’t set it to the correct setting, your garment could become dull and lose its shine, which will make it look weird.

Another way to wash your nylon garment is by hand. This can be done by filling a bathtub with cold water and then putting your garment in the tub. Place a steamer in the tub as well, if you don’t want your garment to shrink too much. Fabric sizing can also help prevent shrinkage as well.

Does Ironing Unshrink Nylon Clothes?

Many people think that ironing will be the best way to get rid of any shrinkage that you might have when washing or drying your nylon garment. However, this really isn’t the case. When ironing, you are only going to iron the outside of your piece and not go over the center of the fabric with heat, which is where shrinkage most likely occurs.

If you want your garments to actually be able to dry right and not shrink, use a dryer with a low-temperature setting if possible. This can prevent excessive drying time so your pieces don’t become too warm and then start begging you to put them on again.

Can You Hand-Wash Nylon Clothes?

If you want to wash your nylons by hand, you can do so when you have a sink with a faucet installed in it. High-pressure faucets should not be used with nylons, as they could cause the clothing to wear away at the seams or even tear if used too much.

You are going to need to use room-temperature water that you can draw from a tap in your kitchen or bathroom. You will also want to use mild detergent and make sure that the color of your items doesn’t run or bleed into any other fabric it comes into contact with.

Also, make sure that you run a large load of cold water through the garments so that any bacteria or odors won’t be trapped in them.

How to Wash Nylon Clothes by Hand?

Here are some tips on how to wash your clothes by hand:

  1. Fill a large bucket with water and add a small amount of mild soap to it. Use the littlest amount possible so that you can use as much detergent as you need without having your washing machine wash gunk up.
  2. Add a few drops of anti-bacterial wash to the water for each load. This will kill any bacteria, dirt, and odors that your nylons have picked up from you or other people, pets, or places.
  3. Once you have your bucket of water set up, fill the tub with warm water and start washing your nylons by hand in it. Make sure that you are using a gentle detergent, as bleach can damage nylon if used too much.
  4. Make sure that your garments don’t touch other parts of the tub as they can get dirty and destroy the appearance of your piece.
  5. After you have washed each garment in the tub, turn off the water and allow them to dry on a clean towel or stand by themselves. If you hang the garments up to dry them, make sure that they are fastened securely so that they won’t move if you put them on a hanger or hook.
  6. Once each garment is dry, go ahead and iron them if you wish, but be very careful if it is heavily pilled as this could cause damage to your garment over time.
  7. If you are taking the garments out of the tub, make sure to rinse them off with cold water afterward. This can help prevent pilling from occurring when you hang them up and dry them later on.

FAQ about Nylon Fabric Shrinking

Does Nylon Fabric Wash And Dry Well?

Your nylon garment will always wash and dry well, as long as you follow the instructions outlined in this article. If you don’t, your nylons can shrink, or you can burn or singe them. If this happens, then the texture and look of your garment will be ruined since it happened during its first washing and drying process. In fact, one of the most common problems that people have with their nylon clothing is that they wash it in both hot water and a dryer. This can cause shrinkage of the garment, which will make it look odd or make the fabric feel weird.
Also, if you are washing your nylon garments by hand or in a washing machine and dryer, use cold water and never hot water unless you want to ruin your item. Cold water will balance out any heat and moisture that has built up in your garment when washing it. If you use hot water on a nylon item, it will either cause the fabric to stretch out or shrink after it has been washed.

Does Nylon Shrink With Heat?

Nylon fabric shrinks when exposed to high heat. Nylon fibers soften when exposed to heat and relax in a few minutes after this happens. It is for this reason that it is important to use warm or hot water when washing nylon fabrics to help the fibers relax, thus preventing shrinking.

Can Nylon Fabric Shrink After Washing?

After nylon fabrics are washed, they will shrink. Some nylon fabrics such as thermal nylon and fleece don’t shrink as much as others after being washed. Some will even maintain their original size after being washed. On the other hand, some types of nylon fabrics such as polar fleece and fine knits will shrink significantly.

Final Thoughts

In the end, nylon fabric will shrink over time if it is nylon. You can help to prevent this by making sure that you wash your garments in cold water and are careful not to get them too hot in the dryer before use. You should also try to hang them up or lay them flat when you take them out of the washer or dryer in order to keep their shape as well.


  1. Reddit – does nylon lace shrink?
  2. Quora – Why does nylon fabric shrink when it is cooled after heating?
  3. DISboards – 100% Nylon Pants, Will they shrink…
  4. Roadbike – How to shrink nylon/spandex fabric after stretch
  5. Quora – How are you able to shrink nylon?
  6. Reddit – What shrinks more during wash, nylon or polyester?
  7. Quora – How can I shrink Nylon fabrics?

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