Does Bamboo Fabric Shrink When Washed or Dried?

Answering questions like this one is the bread and butter of online research. When you have a piece of fabric sitting before you, it’s only natural to wonder what would happen if you washed it with some detergent. Any good question deserves a thorough answer, and that’s exactly what we’re going to provide here.

Bamboo fabric has been made for thousands of years, but does it shrink? Bamboo fabric, the eco-friendly clothing material that has been steadily growing in popularity over the past few years, is known for its absorbency and its soft touch. Bamboo clothing is both comfortable and versatile. However, like all other fabrics, it does experience shrinkage from time to time. If you happen to be wondering if bamboo will shrink on the clothes you buy or are just generally curious about how bamboo shrinks in general, then this article is for you!

The answer to the question, Yes, Bamboo fabric can shrink 1% to 6% but it depends upon multiple factors like how much bamboo is used in your fabric as the blended fabric shrink less as compared to 100% bamboo fabric. Also, bamboo shrinkage depends on how it is washed. It is advised to wash it in cold or normal water. As hot water might also cause bamboo shrinkage.

Also, keep in mind to not leave your bamboo fabric in water for more than 30 minutes as it contains high water absorption properties which make its thread extend and cause the fabric to weaken. Furthermore, it is best to let bamboo air dry it. In addition, you can also add water repellent during washing the bamboo so it will decrease the water absorption in the bamboo.

Bamboo fabric shrinks when it is exposed to atmospheric conditions. This phenomenon is commonly referred to as “bamboo shrinkage” or “bamboo’s magical shrinking powers.” The change of bamboo’s size can be attributed to the shrinking of the plant cells and cellulose that make up the plant’s leaves, stems, and roots.

Does Bamboo Shrink?

Bamboo has a superior strength-to-weight ratio. It is about three times stronger than cotton and about twice easier to dry than cotton. For these reasons, bamboo can be woven into the fabric of lighter weight and more stronger than similar cotton fabrics.

Fabric that is made out of bamboo tends to be strong, durable, and long-lasting. After the first few washes usually it does not shrink. However, when it is washed incorrectly, the fabric is prone to shrink in size because of the high water absorption and it becomes weaker with each wash. Excessive shrinking will cause the fabric to break or tear easily.

The main reason why bamboo shrinks is its high water absorption. Bamboo is made of cellulose that is completely absorbent. Water, because of its weight, will make the fabric weaker by going into the fabric and causing it to shrink.

When you launder your clothes and bedding, care must be taken not to wash any garments or bedding at one time. If a piece of clothing or bedding has been recently washed and dried in the dryer, then a second washing should not be done as it will cause damage to the items. By waiting a few months you can use your garments again without any worry about shrinking from water absorption in the fabric.

How To Avoid Bamboo Shrinkage?

To prevent the bamboo from shrinking when it is being washed, reduce the amount of water used by using only a small amount of water. The less water that is used, the less chance that your clothing or bedding will shrink.

Use Cold Water

Always wash your clothes in cold water. When you use hot or warm water, it causes more cotton in the fabric to become soft and expandable; this will make the fabric prone to shrinking more when it comes into contact with cold waters during the rinse cycles.

A lower temperature cycle will help keep your fabrics strong and reduce any shrinkage that may occur during washing. The water temperature for any wash cycle should be reduced to about 86°F (30°C).


If you notice that your clothes are shrinking during the wash cycle, either decrease the amount of detergent or use a lower loading capacity for your washing machine. Too much detergent and too large of a load you are using can cause damage to the fabrics quickly.


Always keep your clothes in their original packaging until they are ready to be put out to dry or iron. This will help prevent any shrinkage of fabric that may occur during storage and while they are being ironed.


When storing fabrics that may shrink, such as bedding, make sure that there is proper ventilation. Being careful at how you store them will prevent any type of issue with shrinking and damage to the item.

No Fabric Softener

Dryer sheets or fabric softeners should never be used when drying your clothing because they can cause a buildup of gunk on the cotton or bamboo. The buildup can cause your clothing to stick together in a clump or ball that making it harder to dry and can cause uneven drying.

Air Drying

Always air dry any fabrics that are made out of bamboo instead of using the dryer. Air drying will keep the fabrics strong and prevent any damage from occurring to it during the drying process.

What Causes Bamboo Clothing To Shrink?

When bamboo is washed and dried excessively, it will cause the fabric to become weaker. This will occur because of the shrinking and twisting in the garment’s fibers.

Shrinkage of clothes due to improper washing is caused by one of two factors:

An incorrect amount of water used during the washing or drying cycle. If too much water was used during a cycle, then your clothes may shrink excessively. This usually occurs when there is excess water left on the fabric after washing or if you don’t use a dryer to dry your clothing. The more that diaphanous fabrics are exposed to excessive amounts of water will lead to their weakness due to lack of strength and they will become easier to tear while they are still wet.

The detergent build-up in the garment or fabric. Detergents can cause excess water to sit in the fabric for long periods of time. If a build-up occurs, it will make it harder for the fabric to absorb water, causing it to shrink and become weaker when washed again.

Does Bamboo Shrink In The Washer?

Bamboo will shrink due to the water absorption into the fabric after heavy use. If you have items made out of bamboo, then you will probably want to make use of a special treatment that can prevent your clothes from shrinking. For stubborn stains, you can use enzyme-based stain removers or a drop or two of a heavy-duty detergent like Tide or Persil. Bamboo fabric is specially designed to help keep fabrics strong and in good condition even after extensive use in wet environments like laundry rooms.

If you notice that your clothes are shrinking during the wash cycle, either decrease the amount of detergent or use a lower loading capacity for your washing machine. Too much detergent and too large of a load you are using can cause damage to the fabrics quickly. Another prevention you take is to use cold water instead of hot water.

Furthermore, avoid using fabric softeners when drying your clothing because they can cause a buildup of gunk on the cotton or bamboo. The buildup can cause your clothing to stick together in a clump or ball that making it harder to dry and can cause uneven drying.

It is important when buying bamboo yarns from an online source not to be misled by claims made about their strength, durability, and resistance to shrinkage.

Does Bamboo Shrink When Dried?

Yes, bamboo fabrics are known for shrinking during drying, this is because of the water absorption into the fabric after heavy use. If you have items made out of bamboo, then you will probably want to make use of a special treatment that can prevent your clothes from shrinking. 

Usually using the mild detergent that has no bleach or harsh chemicals can help prevent the fabrics from being damaged by excessive water absorption. They are specially designed to help keep fabrics strong and in good condition even after extensive use in wet environments like laundry rooms.

How Much Does Bamboo Shrink?

Bamboo fabric tends to shrink by up to 6% in its first wash but after its first wash usually it does not shrink. However, depending on bamboo fabric type it might shrink when washed in warm water. It will shrink more if you wash it at a more higher temperature. However, if you wash it in cold water, then the fabric should not shrink at all or in some rare cases by a minimal amount.

You can reduce the amount of shrinking that occurs when washing your clothes made out of bamboo fiber by using the correct settings on your washing machine, using the most appropriate detergents, and drying them in dryer balls instead of using dryer sheets or dryer sheets.

When bamboo fabrics are treated with silicone and poly containing agents, they are less likely to shrink during washing and drying than untreated fabrics. This is because the silicone and poly containing agents will make the fabric less susceptible to shrinkage during washing.

There are also bamboo garments available that are made from certain materials that are resistant to shrinkage. This can be a beneficial trait when purchasing items that are made out of bamboo, especially if you have heavy duty items and want them to last longer than regular items.

How To Properly Wash Bamboo?

When buying bamboo yarns from an online source, ensure that they are made out of bamboo. You can check the manufacturer’s label to determine if the yarn is made out of bamboo or not.

Use Mild Detergent

Bamboo is known to shrink excessively when moist, so it is important to use a mild detergent that will not have enough of an effect on the fabric causing excessive shrinking.

Use no more than 1 cup of detergent per load. If you use too much detergent on your clothing and it comes into contact with water, then the water will cling to them and cause excessive shrinking. 

Do Not Use Hot Water

When washing, make sure that your clothes are washed in cold water, this will help keep the fabric strong and prevent it from being damaged during the wash process when using hot or warm water.

Gentle Cycle

Use the gentle cycle to wash the clothing, this will help keep your bamboo strong.Use less dryer sheets and avoid using fabric softeners during drying because they can cause a buildup of gunk on the cotton or bamboo. The buildup can cause your clothing to stick together in a clump or ball that makes it harder to dry and can cause uneven drying.

Avoid Dryer

Air your items out after washing to make sure that they are completely dried out before being used again, this will help prevent any future shrinkage from occurring during use.

Check Also: Does Wool Shrink?

Does Bamboo Shrink More Than Cotton?

Cotton and bamboo clothes will both shrink under the same conditions, but there are certain factors that can cause one to shrink more than another, depending on the material. This is especially true when dealing with garments made from cotton and bamboo.

One thing that causes bamboo clothes to shrink more than cotton is the amount of evaporation that occurs when washing the fabric. The more water you use to wash your clothing, the more it will shrink because it takes in more water during washing.

Does Blended Bamboo Shrink?

There is a small chance that blended bamboo will shrink when washed, but this is mostly likely to occur in items made from 100% bamboo. If you have an item made from blended bamboo and it has not been treated with a special water repellent, then it is possible that the fabric will shrink when being washed or dried.

Bamboo fabrics are known for shrinking a lot during dryer cycles because of the water absorption into the fabric after heavy use. The more used your items get, the more they will become damaged and lose their shape over time due to the amount of water percolating through them.

Can You Shrink Bamboo Swimwear?

Bamboo swimwear can shrink if left to sit on a bed of water or moist clothing that has absorbed water from it, especially if you have items that are made from bamboo and have not been treated prior to washing them.

If you have bamboo swimwear that you do not want to be damaged by the effects of excessive water absorption, then it is best to dry the swimwear out in the sun after washing them and then put them away in air-tight containers. This will help prevent any future damage from occurring caused by water absorption during washing.

What To Do If Your Bamboo Clothing Shrinks?

If you find that your bamboo clothes are becoming damaged or shrunken, then you can stop this from occurring before it gets out of hand. This is done by using a specific water repellent that treats the fabric with an active ingredient to prevent water from percolating through the fabric during the washing and drying processes.

You can find water repellents made from different materials such as silicones, polymers and various other chemicals that will help reduce any future shrinkage caused by excessive moisture absorption in your bamboo clothing. The treatment is most effective when applied shortly after you purchase the clothes to prevent any damage being done to them during washing and drying.

What Are The Advantages Of Bamboo?

Many people prefer to use bamboo to make clothing because they know that they can be sure that it will not shrink. This is because the fabric is made with a highly water-absorbent bamboo fiber, this primarily refers to the type of bamboo that is used to make your clothes.

Bamboo fabric has numerous benefits over other fabrics in terms of making clothing, even if you are unable to find garments made from 100% bamboo and experience some shrinkage during frequent washing. Many people who have unfilled-in or cut-out clothing want it made out of 100% bamboo so that they do not have any risk of their clothes shrinking or losing their shape due to heavy use.

Another benefit of using bamboo to make your clothing is that it can be used in the production of exquisite garments for those with a more refined taste. Bamboo has a natural luster that makes your clothes look more beautiful and shiny, especially if you only use high-quality bamboo fabric. If you are one who enjoys wearing quality and refined clothes, then you will definitely want to invest in some clothes made from top-quality bamboo fabrics.

If you love buying clothes made from bamboo because they do not shrink, then try buying items that are made from certain materials that are resistant to shrinkage. This means that your clothes are just as likely to shrink as they would be if made from 100% cotton or any other type of fabric. However, you will find that when buying items made from certain materials, they can last a lot longer than those made from other types of fabrics.

The best garments to use if you want a great fabric that is not prone to shrink are those made from bamboo and silk blends. If you have an item made from these two materials that has been treated with a water repellent after washing and drying, then it should not shrink too much when it is worn because this treatment makes the clothing more resistant to allowing water to penetrate through it during the process of washing.

Can You Shrink Bamboo Clothing?

Unfortunately, it is possible to shrink bamboo clothing if you wash them too much or at too high of a hot water temperature setting. If you have an item of clothing made from 100% bamboo and it has been treated prior to washing, then the garments will not shrink as much as they would if they were not treated.

In most cases, the amount of shrinking that occurs can be up to 6%, which is a large amount, especially when considering that items made from other types of fabrics are usually only 1% likely to shrink when washed. This can often result in your clothes becoming damaged or ruined because they become highly damaged during the process of excessive water absorption during washing or drying.

What Can You Use To Make Bamboo Non-Shrink?

There are many products on the market that you can use to make your bamboo non-shrink when using hot or cold water. These products can either be applied by hand or sprayed onto the fabric in order to treat it with an active ingredient.

You can buy water repellent products that may include silicone-based formula that will help in decreasing the water absorption. Due to this, these products will help to stop the fabric from shrinking in hot water. They can be used on any bamboo garments and are easy to apply by hand, sponging or spraying onto the fabric.

You can also purchase a product that uses acrylic resin. You should spray or sponge these on your bamboo fabric after washing and drying because they usually do not come in pump spray bottles. The resin will prevent bamboo clothes from shrinking in hot water and is easily applied by hand or sprayed on the fabric if necessary.

Ironing Bamboo Fabric

One thing that can cause a bad crease in your clothes is the ironing process. It is very important to know the best ways to iron your bamboo clothing because improper use of iron can cause creases or damage to parts of the fabric.

Do not use high heat settings on bamboo clothing because it will make them shrink. Cotton fibers are naturally vulnerable to heat so they shrink at a faster rate compared to other natural fibers such as wool and silk.

You can prevent this by setting your iron on a lower temperature setting while performing the ironing process and then turning it off once you have finished placing pressure onto the clothing in order to keep it from shrinking.

Should You Wash Bamboo Sheets Before First Use?

If you have purchased sheets made from bamboo, then it is best to wash them before using them for the first time because they can shrink during the first use depending on how they were treated prior to washing. They could shrink by as much as 6% if they are not treated with a water repellent prior to use.

If you want your sheets to keep their shape and size for the longest amount of time possible, then it is best not to wash them until and unless necessary. The more often you wash your sheets and throw them away after use, the less likely it is that they will retain their shape over time and last longer than regular sheets.

FAQ about Does Bamboo Fabric Shrink

Does Bamboo Shrink In Hot Water?

Yes, bamboo fabrics are known for shrinking during hot water. This is because hot water causes bamboo to expand when it comes into contact with it, due to bamboo’s high absorption properties which weakens the fabric and makes it prone to more damage during washing if used incorrectly again.

Can Bamboo Shrink When Washed?

Yes, bamboo can shrink when washed because it is a natural fiber. However, the amount of difference that occurs in the amount of shrinking that occurs can range from a mere 1% to as much as 6%. The amount of shrinkage depends on many factors including the temperature of the water used during washing, whether or not you use fabric softeners or dryer sheets during drying, and whether or not you wash with an excessively hot water temperature setting or a cold water setting.

Can Bamboo Shrink When Washed?

Yes, bamboo can shrink when washed because it is a natural fiber. However, the amount of difference that occurs in the amount of shrinking that occurs can range from a mere 1% to as much as 6%. The amount of shrinkage depends on many factors including the temperature of the water used during washing, whether or not you use fabric softeners or dryer sheets during drying, and whether or not you wash with an excessively hot water temperature setting or a cold water setting.

What Happens if You Wash Bamboo Sheets in Hot Water?

If you wash your bamboo sheets in hot water, then there is a good chance that they will shrink. This happens because hot water tends to loosen the fibers and make them more pliable so that they can be stretched further. If you wash your sheets at 120 degrees F or hotter, then there is a good chance that the fabric will shrink up to 6% due to this effect.

Final Thoughts

Bamboo clothing can be purchased from multiple retailers. The more that you wash the garment, the more likely it is to shrink. Read the instructions when purchasing bamboo clothing from a retailer because they will provide you with important information about how to properly take care of the items and how to prevent excessive shrinking during washing.

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