Affiliate Disclosure

We are a part of Amazon Associates Program and some other Affiliate Programs from different merchants i.e., SewingMachinePlus Affiliate Program. Some links on this website may contain affiliate links and we may earn some monetary compensation if a purchase is made through that link. Please keep reading about this if you want detailed information about this.

Our Association

We are not the direct sellers or resellers of the products that we are mentioning on our website or if reviewing them. We are neither their authorized sellers nor recommending products of some specific company. But we mention and review all those products that fit our quality standard.

And we do not get the products from their sellers that we are reviewing on our website. All our reviews are honest without being biased and ignoring some others. Neither nor its writers are associated directly with any of the sellers, managers or other authorities mentioned on the affiliate website.

Monetary Compensation

We may get compensated monetarily on a qualified purchase by clicking on the affiliated link without any extra cost to you. The product price will not vary even if you buy from our affiliate link, we will get compensated monetarily by the platform where they are getting sold.

And, these small commissions are required to keep this platform running. These small commissions are also bread and butter for the people working on the website.

Our Review Policy

We recommend only those products which fit our standards and provide you the honest reviews. We do not get commissions directly from the Brand or Seller. But, we may get small commissions directly from the platform where they are getting sold. We will earn the same percentage of commission irrespective of the Brand or Seller.

And, our reviews contain the thoughts of our writers and also of the people who used the machine that is being reviewed. Sometimes, we do not have direct access to the products that we review and in such cases, we do thorough research online about that product and then compile the reviews.

Our Support

All of our writers and some other members are part of our Support Program. We are not responsible for your acts after you click on the affiliate link and jump to the product page. But still, our writers and some other members are always eager to help you for FREE.

Our team members are always eager to answer your questions regarding the products reviewed on our website or you can also get a good suggestions from these. They will be more than happy to suggest to you the best machine as per your requirements.

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